percentage of moisture

percentage of moisture
процентное содержание влаги

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "percentage of moisture" в других словарях:

  • moisture meter — noun : an instrument for determining the percentage of moisture in a material (as timber, flour, soil, or tobacco) commonly by measuring its electrical resistivity …   Useful english dictionary

  • Moisture meter — Moisture meters are used to measure the percentage of water in a given substance. This information can be used to determine if the material is ready for use, unexpectedly wet or dry, or otherwise in need of further inspection. Wood and paper… …   Wikipedia

  • Moisture analysis — covers a variety of methods for measuring moisture content in both high level and trace amounts in solids, liquids, or gases. Moisture in percentage amounts is monitored as a specification in commercial food production. There are many… …   Wikipedia

  • Moisture equivalent — is proposed by Lyman Briggs and McLane (1910) as a measure of field capacity for fine textured soil materials. Moisture equivalent is defined as the percentage of water which a soil can retain in opposition to a centrifugal force 1000 times that… …   Wikipedia

  • moisture content —    1. The ratio; expressed as a percentage, of either (a) the weight of water to the weight of solid particles expressed as moisture weight percentage or (b) the volume of water to the volume of solid particles expressed as moisture volume… …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • moisture weight percentage —    The moisture content expressed as a percentage of the oven dry weight of a soil [22] …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • moisture equivalent —    The percentage of water retained in a soil sample 1 cm thick after it has been saturated and subjected to a centrifugal force 1000 times gravity for 30 min. Centrifuge moisture equivalent is the water content of a soil after it has been… …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • moisture equivalent — noun : the water content expressed as a percentage of the dry weight that a soil can retain against a centrifugal force one thousand times the force of gravity and used as a convenient laboratory measure of soil moisture conditions …   Useful english dictionary

  • Concrete moisture meters — Moisture meters have been used for decades to measure different types of moisture content in different materials and substances. Concrete meters have evolved from the successful wood moisture meter as flooring contractors tried to use their wood… …   Wikipedia

  • moisture volume percentage —    The ratio of the volume of water in a soil to the total bulk volume of the soil [22] …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • Concrete moisture meter — A concrete moisture meter is a type of moisture meter used by installers of flooring to measure the moisture levels of concrete. These meters have been used for decades to measure the moisture content in different materials and substances.… …   Wikipedia

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