Смотреть что такое "pennine" в других словарях:
Pennine — (chaîne) ou Pennines (les) chaîne de monts hercyniens usés du N. de l Angleterre (881 m au Cross Fell), qui s étend des monts Cheviot aux Midlands. Riches bassins houillers … Encyclopédie Universelle
Pennine FM — For the Bradford based station which used this name in the 1980s, see Pennine Radio (radio station). Pennine FM Broadcast area Huddersfield Frequency 107.9 MHz First air date 1 March 1998 Format Contemporary/classic hits … Wikipedia
pennine — peninas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė (Mg,Al)₂[(OH)₂|AlSi₃O₁₀]·Mg₃(OH)₆ atitikmenys: angl. pennine rus. пеннин … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Pennine Way — in der Nähe von Marsden Daten Länge 429 km Lage Nordengland … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pennine Blue — Pennine Blue, later known as First Pennine, was a bus company serving the Tameside area of Greater Manchester, England. It was an independent bus company running services to/from Ashton under Lyne in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Its depot was… … Wikipedia
Pennine Radio — may refer to:* Pennine Radio (radio station) * Pennine Radio Limited For|the Bradford based radio station which originally used this name in the 1980s|Pennine Radio (radio station) For|the Huddersfield based station often confused with Pennine… … Wikipedia
Pennine Spring — is a brand of mineral water that comes from the Yorkshire Pennines.Pennine Spring belongs to Britvic. It was established in 1871, Pennine Spring was produced by Ben Shaws of Huddersfield. In 2004 Britvic acquired the brand and the Ben Shaws site … Wikipedia
Pennine Radio Limited — is a UK manufacturer of electronic equipment, transformers and windings, ride on electric golf carts, sheet metalwork and computer equipment. Founded in 1958 [ [ news/2008/04/08/pennine rises to new… … Wikipedia
Pennine Way — the Pennine Way a very long path (250 miles) along the Pennines, which people walk along for pleasure or exercise … Dictionary of contemporary English
Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust — is a NHS Trust established on April 1st 2002 to manage hospitals across the north and east of Greater Manchester, England.The trust manages the following hospitals:*Fairfield General Hospital, Bury *North Manchester General Hospital, Manchester… … Wikipedia
Pennine Alps — [pen′īn΄, pen′in] division of the W Alps, along the Swiss Italian border, northeast of the Graian Alps: highest peak, c. 15,200 ft (4,633 m) … English World dictionary