- available data
• данные, полученные при испытании• имеющиеся в распоряжении данные• имеющиеся данные
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Data monetization — Data Monetization, a form of monetization, involves maximizing the revenue potential from available data by institutionalizing the capture, storage, analysis, effective dissemination, and application of that data. Said differently, it is the… … Wikipedia
Data & Analysis Center for Software — The Data Analysis Center for Software (DACS) is one of several United States Department of Defense (DoD) sponsored Information Analysis Centers (IACs), administered by the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC). It is technically managed by… … Wikipedia
data — n.pl. (also treated as sing., as in that is all the data we have, although the singular form is strictly datum) 1 known facts or things used as a basis for inference or reckoning. 2 quantities or characters operated on by a computer etc. Phrases… … Useful english dictionary
data — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ accurate, reliable ▪ comprehensive, detailed, extensive ▪ limited ▪ preliminary, raw … Collocations dictionary
Data Smoothing — The use of an algorithm to remove noise from a data set, allowing important patterns to stand out. Data smoothing can be done in a variety of different ways, including random, random walk, moving average, simple exponential, linear exponential… … Investment dictionary
Data Intensive Computing — is a class of parallel computing applications which use a data parallel approach to processing large volumes of data typically terabytes or petabytes in size and typically referred to as Big Data. Computing applications which devote most of their … Wikipedia
Data General Nova — System Data General Nova 1200 front panel … Wikipedia
Data.gov.uk — is a UK Government project to open up almost all non personal data acquired for official purposes for free re use. Sir Tim Berners Lee and Professor Nigel Shadbolt are the two key figures behind the project.[1] Homepage of data.gov.uk … Wikipedia
Data exchange — is the process of taking data structured under a source schema and actually transforming it into data structured under a target schema, so that the target data is an accurate representation of the source data[citation needed]. Data exchange is… … Wikipedia
Data profiling — is the process of examining the data available in an existing data source (e.g. a database or a file) and collecting statistics and information about that data. The purpose of these statistics may be to: Find out whether existing data can easily… … Wikipedia
Data sharing — is the practice of making data used for scholarly research available to other investigators. Replication has a long history in science. The motto of The Royal Society is Nullius in verba , translated Take no man s word for it. [1] Many funding… … Wikipedia