- partition
- 1. перегородка, септа 2. перегородка (в пещере от пола до потолка)
* * *среднее колено лежачей складки
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
partition — par·ti·tion /pär ti shən/ n: the severance voluntarily or by legal proceedings of common or undivided interests in property and esp. real property: division into severalty of property held jointly or in common or the sale of such property by a… … Law dictionary
partition — par‧ti‧tion [pɑːˈtɪʆn ǁ pər , pɑːr ] noun [countable] 1. a thin wall that divides one part of a large room from another, for example in an open plan office: • glass partitions 2. COMPUTING one of the parts that a computer’s memory, such as a… … Financial and business terms
Partition — Par*ti tion, n. [F. partition, L. partitio. See {Part}, v.] 1. The act of parting or dividing; the state of being parted; separation; division; distribution; as, the partition of a kingdom. [1913 Webster] And good from bad find no partition. Shak … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Partition — Par*ti tion, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Partitioned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Partitioning}.] 1. To divide into parts or shares; to divide and distribute; as, to partition an estate among various heirs. [1913 Webster] 2. To divide into distinct parts by lines … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Partition — (lat. partitio ‚Abschnitt, Teil‘), auch Partitionierung (‚Aufteilung‘), bezeichnet: die Landesteilung in der Politik in der Mengenlehre eine Unterteilung von Mengen, siehe Partition (Mengenlehre) die Unterteilung von Datenträgern, siehe Partition … Deutsch Wikipedia
partition — Partition. s. f. Terme d arithmetique. Division d un nombre par un autre. Regle de partition. Il signifie aussi une Composition de musique dont toutes les parties sont ensemble l une au dessous de l autre. A voir la partition de cette musique on… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
partition — [n] divider, division allotment, apportionment, barrier, detachment, disconnection, dissolution, distribution, disunion, dividing, hindrance, obstruction, parting, portion, rationing, rupture, screen, segregation, separation, severance, share,… … New thesaurus
partition — ► NOUN 1) a structure dividing a space into parts, especially a light interior wall. 2) division into parts, especially the division of a country into self governing parts. ► VERB 1) divide into parts. 2) divide or separate (a room or part of a… … English terms dictionary
partition — [pär tish′ən] n. [ME particioune < L partitio] 1. a parting or being parted; division into parts; separation; apportionment 2. something that separates or divides, as an interior wall dividing one room from another 3. a part or section;… … English World dictionary
Partition — (v. lat. Partitio), 1) Theilung; 2) so v.w. Division … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Partition [1] — Partition (lat.), Teilung, Einteilung. In der antiken Rhetorik heißt partitio das Zerlegen des Ganzen in seine Teile (oft von divisio, dem Zerlegen der Gattung in ihre Arten, noch unterschieden) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon