- paramorphism
- параморфизм
* * *параморфизм
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Paramorphism — Par a*mor phism, n. (Min.) The change of one mineral species to another, so as to involve a change in physical characters without alteration of chemical composition. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
paramorphism — [par΄ə môr′fiz΄əm] n. [ PARA 1 + MORPH + ISM] the process by which the crystal structure of a mineral changes without an alteration in the chemical composition or external form of the mineral paramorphic adj. paramorphous … English World dictionary
Paramorphism — A paramorphism (from Greek παρα , meaning close together ) is an extension of the concept of catamorphism to deal with a form which “eats its argument and keeps it too” [Phil Wadler. Views: A way for pattern matching to cohabit with data… … Wikipedia
paramorphism — /par euh mawr fiz euhm/, n. 1. the process by which a paramorph is formed. 2. the state of being a paramorph. [1865 70; PARA 1 + MORPHISM] * * * … Universalium
paramorphism — noun a change in the physical structure of a mineral without any chemical change See Also: paramorphic … Wiktionary
paramorphism — para·mor·phism … English syllables
paramorphism — /pærəˈmɔfɪzəm/ (say paruh mawfizuhm) noun 1. the process by which a paramorph is formed. 2. the state of being a paramorph …
paramorphism — |parə|mȯrˌfizəm noun ( s) : the property of changing from one mineral species to another (as from aragonite to calcite) by a change in internal structure and physical characters but not in chemical composition … Useful english dictionary
Apomorphism — An apomorphism (from απο Greek for apart ) is the categorical dual of a paramorphism. Whereas a paramorphism models primitive recursion over an inductive data type, an apomorphism models primitive corecursion over a coinductive data… … Wikipedia
Paramorphous — Par a*mor phous, a. (Min.) Relating to paramorphism; exhibiting paramorphism. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Paramorphisme — Traduction à relire Paramorphism → Paramorphis … Wikipédia en Français