parallel displacement

parallel displacement
величина смещения пласта в плоскости сбрасывателя по линии пласта
параллельное смешение

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "parallel displacement" в других словарях:

  • Displacement thickness — is the distance by which a surface would have to be moved parallel to itself towards the reference plane in an ideal fluid stream of velocity u 0 to give the same mass flow as occurs between the surface and the reference plane in a real fluid.In… …   Wikipedia

  • Displacement current — Electromagnetism Electricity · …   Wikipedia

  • Parallel axis theorem — In physics, the parallel axis theorem can be used to determine the moment of inertia of a rigid body about any axis, given the moment of inertia of the object about the parallel axis through the object s center of mass and the perpendicular… …   Wikipedia

  • displacement — Fault Fault, n. [OE. faut, faute, F. faute (cf. It., Sp., & Pg. falta), fr. a verb meaning to want, fail, freq., fr. L. fallere to deceive. See {Fail}, and cf. {Default}.] 1. Defect; want; lack; default. [1913 Webster] One, it pleases me, for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Electric displacement field — In physics, the electric displacement field, denoted as , is a vector field that appears in Maxwell s equations. It accounts for the effects of free charges within materials. D stands for displacement, as in the related concept of displacement… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable displacement pump — A variable displacement pump is a device that converts mechanical energy to hydraulic (fluid) energy. The displacement, or amount of fluid pumped per revolution of the pump s input shaft can be varied while the pump is running.Many variable… …   Wikipedia

  • electric displacement — Elect. the part of the electric field that is determined solely by free charges, without reference to the dielectric properties of the surrounding medium: measured in coulombs per square meter. Symbol: D Also called displacement. [1880 85] * * *… …   Universalium

  • Introduction to mathematics of general relativity — An understanding of calculus and differential equations is necessary for the understanding of nonrelativistic physics. In order to understand special relativity one also needs an understanding of tensor calculus. To understand the general theory… …   Wikipedia

  • Connection (mathematics) — In geometry, the notion of a connection makes precise the idea of transporting data along a curve or family of curves in a parallel and consistent manner. There are a variety of kinds of connections in modern geometry, depending on what sort of… …   Wikipedia

  • Dmitri Ivanenko — (Russian: Дмитрий Дмитриевич Иваненко, Ukrainian: Дмитро Дмитрович Іваненко) (July 29, 1904, Poltava, present day Ukraine – December 30, 1994, Moscow), Professor of Moscow State University (since 1943), made a great contribution to the physical… …   Wikipedia

  • Envelope theorem — The envelope theorem is a basic theorem used to solve maximization problems in microeconomics. It may be used to prove Hotelling s lemma, Shephard s lemma, and Roy s identity. The statement of the theorem is:Consider an arbitrary maximization… …   Wikipedia

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