- automorphic-granular
- автоморфно-зернистый
* * *• автоморфно-гранулярный• идиоморфно-гранулярный• эвгедральный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
automorphic-granular — “+| adjective of a rock : characterized by a texture whose constituents are all automorphic called also idiomorphic granular … Useful english dictionary
idiomorphic-granular — adjective see automorphic granular … Useful english dictionary
Intrusion — In geology, an intrusion is a body of igneous rock that has crystallized from molten magma below the surface of the Earth. Bodies of magma that solidify underground before they reach the surface of the earth are called plutons, named for Pluto,… … Wikipedia