paper porphyry

paper porphyry
бумажный порфир

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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  • Mithraic mysteries — Double faced Mithraic relief. Rome, 2nd to 3rd century AD. Louvre Museum The Mithraic Mysteries were a mystery religion practised in the Roman Empire from about the 1st to 4th centuries AD. The name of the Persian god Mithra, adapted into Greek… …   Wikipedia

  • philosophy, Western — Introduction       history of Western philosophy from its development among the ancient Greeks to the present.       This article has three basic purposes: (1) to provide an overview of the history of philosophy in the West, (2) to relate… …   Universalium

  • Copper mining in the United States — US primary copper production 1900 2008. Source: USGS …   Wikipedia

  • Gnosticism — This article is part of a series on Gnosticism History of Gnosticism …   Wikipedia

  • logic, history of — Introduction       the history of the discipline from its origins among the ancient Greeks to the present time. Origins of logic in the West Precursors of ancient logic       There was a medieval tradition according to which the Greek philosopher …   Universalium

  • Homeric scholarship — is the study of Homeric epic, especially the two large surviving epics, the Iliad and Odyssey. It is currently part of the academic discipline of classical studies, but the subject is one of the very oldest topics in all scholarship or science,… …   Wikipedia

  • Heraclitus — Catherine Osborne No philosopher before Socrates can have had such a profound influence on so many generations of subsequent thinkers as Heraclitus. Nor can any thinker, probably in the whole history of philosophy, have inspired such a wide range …   History of philosophy

  • English words first attested in Chaucer — Contents 1 Etymology 2 List 2.1 Canterbury Tales General Prologue …   Wikipedia

  • Musée du Louvre — This article is about the museum. For the building, see Palais du Louvre. For higher education, see École du Louvre. For the architectural element, see Louver. Coordinates: 48°51′37″N 2°20′15″E /  …   Wikipedia

  • copper processing — Introduction  use of smelting or leaching, usually followed by electrolytic refining or recovery, to turn the ore into a form from which products can be fashioned. Included in this article also is a discussion of the mining of copper and of its… …   Universalium

  • Uranium mining in Utah — Uranium mining in Utah, a state of the United States, has a history going back more than 100 years. Uranium started as a byproduct of vanadium mining about 1900, became a byproduct of radium mining about 1910, then back to a byproduct of vanadium …   Wikipedia

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