paleomagnetic polarity

paleomagnetic polarity
палеомагнитная полярность

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "paleomagnetic polarity" в других словарях:

  • Snowball Earth — The Snowball Earth hypothesis as it was originally proposedcite book author = Kirschvink, J.L. year = 1992 chapter = Late Proterozoic low latitude global glaciation: The snowball Earth title = The Proterozoic Biosphere: A Multidisciplinary Study… …   Wikipedia

  • Geomagnetic reversal — Magnetic reversal redirects here. For switching of a magnet, see Magnetization reversal. Geomagnetic polarity during the late Cenozoic Era. Dark areas denote periods where the polarity matches today s polarity, light areas denote periods where… …   Wikipedia

  • Earth's magnetic field — Computer simulation of the Earth s field in a normal period between reversals.[1] The tubes represent magnetic field lines, blue when the field points towards the center and yellow when away. The rotation axis of the Earth is centered and… …   Wikipedia

  • Plate tectonics — The tectonic plates of the world were mapped in the second half of the 20th century …   Wikipedia

  • Magnetostratigraphy — is a geophysical correlation technique used to date sedimentary and volcanic sequences. The method works by collecting oriented samples at measured intervals throughout the section. The samples are analyzed to determine their characteristic… …   Wikipedia

  • plate tectonics — plate tectonic, adj. Geol. a theory of global tectonics in which the lithosphere is divided into a number of crustal plates, each of which moves on the plastic asthenosphere more or less independently to collide with, slide under, or move past… …   Universalium

  • Central Atlantic Magmatic Province — The Central Atlantic magmatic province (CAMP) was formed during the breakup of Pangaea during the Mesozoic Era. The initial breakup of Pangaea in early Jurassic time provided a legacy of basaltic dikes, sills, and lavas over a vast area around… …   Wikipedia

  • Tertiary Period — Interval of geologic time, 65–1. 8 million years ago. It constitutes the first of the two periods of the Cenozoic Era, the second being the Quaternary. The Tertiary has five subdivisions: (from oldest to youngest) the Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene …   Universalium

  • Triassic Period — Interval of geologic time, с 248–206 million years ago, that marks the beginning of the Mesozoic Era. Many new vertebrates emerged during the Triassic, heralding the major changes that were to occur in both terrestrial and marine life forms… …   Universalium

  • Paleomagnetism — is the study of the record of the Earth s magnetic field preserved in various magnetic minerals through time. The study of paleomagnetism has demonstrated that the Earth s magnetic field varies substantially in both orientation and intensity… …   Wikipedia

  • Kalahari craton — The Kalahari craton occupies a large portion of South Africa and consists of the Kaapvaal, the Zimbabwe craton, the Limpopo belt, and the Namaqua Belt. It has formed a stable unit for the past 2.3 billion years (2.3 Ga). As such, it contains some …   Wikipedia

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