- palaeolithic
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
palaeolithic — adj. Same as {paleolithic}. Syn: paleolithic. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Palaeolithic — (US Paleolithic) ► ADJECTIVE Archaeology ▪ relating to the early phase of the Stone Age, up to the end of the glacial period. ORIGIN from Greek palaios ancient + lithos stone … English terms dictionary
Palaeolithic — /pæliəˈlɪθɪk / (say paleeuh lithik), /peɪ / (say pay ) noun 1. the earliest part of the Stone Age, the Old Stone Age, characterised by implements of chipped stone; it includes the Pleistocene geological epoch and precedes the Mesolithic. See… …
Palaeolithic Era in Iran — Events= Lower Paleolithic Period * c. 800,000 200,000 BCE: Prehistoric hominins lived in the Iranian plateau specifically in Baqbaqo near Kashafrud, Ganj Par and Darband Caves in Gilan, and Shiwatoo near Mahabad.Middle Paleolithic Period * c. 200 … Wikipedia
Palaeolithic man — /pæliəˌlɪθɪk ˈmæn/ (say paleeuh.lithik man) noun any of the primitive species of humans (Pithecanthropus, Homo neanderthalensis, etc.) living in the Palaeolithic period. Also, Paleolithic man. Usage: For spelling variation see ae1 …
palaeolithic — pal|ae|o|lith|ic [ˌpæliəuˈlıθık, ˌpeı US ˌpeıliə ] adj a British spelling of ↑paleolithic … Dictionary of contemporary English
Palaeolithic — see LITHOGRAPH … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
palaeolithic — adj. of the earlier Stone Age … English contemporary dictionary
Palaeolithic — [ˌpalɪə(ʊ) lɪθɪk, ˌpeɪ ] (US Paleolithic) adjective Archaeology relating to or denoting the early phase of the Stone Age, up to the end of the glacial period. Origin C19: from palaeo + Gk lithos stone + ic … English new terms dictionary
palaeolithic — adjective the British spelling of paleolithic … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
palaeolithic — adjective connected with the earliest period of the stone age (=the period thousands of years ago when people made stone tools and weapons): a paleolithic axe compare neolithic … Longman dictionary of contemporary English