- oxygen-isotope method
кислородно-изотопный метод
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Isotope-ratio mass spectrometry — Isotope ratio mass spectrometer with gas bench in foreground Acronym IRMS Classification mass spectrometry Other techniques … Wikipedia
Isotope analysis — is the identification of isotopic signature, the distribution of certain stable isotopes and chemical elements within chemical compounds. This can be applied to a food web to make it possible to draw direct inferences regarding diet, trophic… … Wikipedia
Oxygen-17 — Full table General Name, symbol Oxygen 17,17O Neutrons 9 Protons 8 N … Wikipedia
Oxygen — This article is about the chemical element and its most stable form, O2 or dioxygen. For other forms of this element, see Allotropes of oxygen. For other uses, see Oxygen (disambiguation). nitrogen ← oxygen → fluorine ↑ O ↓ … Wikipedia
isotope — isotopic /uy seuh top ik/, adj. isotopically, adv. /uy seuh tohp /, n. Chem. any of two or more forms of a chemical element, having the same number of protons in the nucleus, or the same atomic number, but having different numbers of neutrons in… … Universalium
Isotope separation — is the process of concentrating specific isotopes of a chemical element by removing other isotopes, for example separating natural uranium into enriched uranium and depleted uranium. This is a crucial process in the manufacture of uranium fuel… … Wikipedia
Earth Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Geology and Geochemistry The theme of the 33rd International Geological Congress, which was held in Norway in August 2008, was “Earth System Science: Foundation for Sustainable Development.” It was attended by nearly… … Universalium
Life Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Zoology In 2008 several zoological studies provided new insights into how species life history traits (such as the timing of reproduction or the length of life of adult individuals) are derived in part as responses to… … Universalium
Protactinium — thorium ← protactinium → uranium Pr ↑ Pa ↓ … Wikipedia
hydrologic sciences — Introduction the fields of study concerned with the waters of the Earth. Included are the sciences of hydrology, oceanography, limnology, and glaciology. In its widest sense hydrology encompasses the study of the occurrence, the… … Universalium
Physiology of dinosaurs — Note: In this article dinosaur means non avian dinosaur, since most experts regard birds as an advanced group of dinosaurs. The physiology of dinosaurs has historically been a controversial subject, particularly thermoregulation. Recently, many… … Wikipedia