automated interpretation

automated interpretation
автоматизированная интерпретация

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "automated interpretation" в других словарях:

  • Automated theorem proving — (ATP) or automated deduction, currently the most well developed subfield of automated reasoning (AR), is the proving of mathematical theorems by a computer program. Decidability of the problem Depending on the underlying logic, the problem of… …   Wikipedia

  • Automated Content Access Protocol — ( ACAP ) is a proposed method of providing machine readable permissions information for content. This will allow automated processes (such as search engine web crawling) to be compliant with publishers policies without the need for human… …   Wikipedia

  • Automated teller machine — cash machine redirects here. For the Hard Fi song, see Cash Machine. An NCR Personas 75 Series interior, multi function ATM in the United States …   Wikipedia

  • Formal interpretation — A formal interpretation [ pg=PA74 lpg=PA74 dq=%22Formal+interpretation%22+%22formal+language%22 source=web ots=pLN ms7Wi2 sig=P JqwdzOqLcX4nMpP64qmacnkDU hl=en#PPA74,M1 Cann Ronnie, Formal Semantics:… …   Wikipedia

  • tactical information processing and interpretation system — A tactical, mobile, land based, automated information handling system designed to store and retrieve intelligence information and to process and interpret imagery or nonimagery data. Also called TIPI …   Military dictionary

  • Cytomics — is the study of cell systems (cytomes) at a single cell level. It combines all the bioinformatic knowledge to attempt to understand the molecular architecture and functionality of the cell system (Cytome). Much of this is achieved by using… …   Wikipedia

  • Feature detection — The notion of feature detection is used with somewhat different but nevertheless related meanings in different areas that deal with automated interpretation of sensory or measurement data.In the area of computer vision, feature detection usually… …   Wikipedia

  • Metadato — Metadatos (del griego μετα, meta, después de, más allá de [1] y latín datum, lo que se da , «dato»[2] ), literalmente «sobre datos», son datos que describen otros datos. En general, un grupo de metadatos se refiere a un grupo de datos, llamado… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Кардиовизор — Эта статья или раздел носит ярко выраженный рекламный характер. Это не соответствует правилам Википедии. Вы можете помочь проекту, исправив текст согласно стилистическим рекомендациям Википедии …   Википедия

  • First-order logic — is a formal logical system used in mathematics, philosophy, linguistics, and computer science. It goes by many names, including: first order predicate calculus, the lower predicate calculus, quantification theory, and predicate logic (a less… …   Wikipedia

  • Software tools for molecular microscopy — There are a large number of software tools or software applications that have been specifically developed for the field sometimes referred to as molecular microscopy or cryo electron microscopy or cryoEM. Several special issues of the Journal of… …   Wikipedia

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