- oval-strand rope
овальнопрядный канат
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Pearl — For other uses, see Pearl (disambiguation). Pearl Pearls General Category Mineral Chemical formula Ca … Wikipedia
Glossary of climbing terms — This page describes terms and jargon related to climbing and mountaineering. Contents: Top · 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A … Wikipedia
London — Die Buchstaben und Zahlen zwischen den Linien | H6 | bezeichnen die Quadrate des Planes. Abbeyfield RoadH6 Abbey RoadA1, 2 – StreetG2, 3; G5 Abercorn PlaceA2 Acacia RoadAB1, 2 AchillesB5 Acton StreetDE2 Adam StreetH5 Addington SquareF7 Adelaide… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
History of skiing — Skiing, or traveling over snow on wooden runners, has a recorded history of almost five millennia. Ancient history The first hints to the existence of skis are on 4500 to 5000 year old rock drawings, e.g. at Rødøy in Norway (discovered 1933) or… … Wikipedia
chain — chainless, adj. chainlike, adj. /chayn/, n. 1. a series of objects connected one after the other, usually in the form of a series of metal rings passing through one another, used either for various purposes requiring a flexible tie with high… … Universalium
Chain — /chayn/, n. Sir Ernst Boris /errnst, ernst/, 1906 79, English biochemist, born in Germany: Nobel prize for medicine 1945. * * * (as used in expressions) chain silicate Pennine Chain chain drive chain mail chain reaction Chain Sir Ernst Boris food … Universalium
papermaking — [pā′pər māk΄iŋ] n. the making of paper papermaker n. * * * pa·per·mak·ing (pāʹpər mā kĭng) n. The process or craft of making paper. paʹper·mak er n. * * * Introduction formation of a matted or felted sheet, usually of cellulose fibres,… … Universalium
Douglas Bader — Sir Douglas Robert Steuart Bader Birth name Douglas Robert Steuart Bader Nickname … Wikipedia
Donaustadt — 22nd District of Vienna Coat of arms … Wikipedia
Europe, history of — Introduction history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… … Universalium