- orogenic belt
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
orogenic belt — noun A usu elongated region of the earth s crust that has been subjected to an orogeny • • • Main Entry: ↑orogenesis … Useful english dictionary
Appalachian orogenic belt — Mountain range that extends more than 1,860 mi (3,000 km) along the eastern margin of North America, from Alabama to Newfoundland. It was formed by the progressive eastward addition of material to the continental margin of North America. The… … Universalium
Hercynian orogenic belt — ▪ mountain range, Europe also called Variscan Orogenic Belt, series of mountain ranges that developed during the Devonian Period (which occurred about 416 million to 359 million years ago) and the subsequent Carboniferous Period (which… … Universalium
Uralian orogenic belt — The Uralian orogenic belt is usually thought of as the boundary between Europe and Asia. It extends from the Aral Sea to Novaya Zemlya, and it includes the Ural Mountains, the Pay Khoy Ridge, and the Mughalzhar Hills of northwest Kazakhstan. Its… … Wikipedia
Uralian orogenic belt — ▪ geological formation a 3,500 kilometre (2,175 mile ) long elongate mountain system that extends from the Aral Sea to the islands of Novaya Zemlya. It is 500 km wide in the south but only 100–150 km wide in the north. The belt formed as a… … Universalium
belt — beltless, adj. /belt/, n. 1. a band of flexible material, as leather or cord, for encircling the waist. 2. any encircling or transverse band, strip, or stripe. 3. an elongated region having distinctive properties or characteristics: a belt of… … Universalium
Caledonian orogenic belt — Range of mountains in northwestern Europe, extending in a southwest northeast direction from Ireland, Wales, and northern England through Norway. The mountains developed in the period from the start of the Cambrian Period (543 million years ago)… … Universalium
Myddfai Steep Belt — The Myddfai Steep Belt is the name given to a geological structure which affects rocks of Silurian and Devonian age in mid Wales. It extends for tens of miles across country from near Carmarthen northeastwards via Mynydd Myddfai, Mynydd Bach… … Wikipedia
Fold-Thrust Belt — A Fold Thrust Belt is a series of mountainous foothills, adjacent to an orogenic belt, that form due to compression. Fold thrust belts commonly form in the forelands adjacent to major orogens as deformation propagates outwards. Fold thrust belts… … Wikipedia
Circum-Superior Belt — Map of cratons, orogenies and the Circum Superior Belt. Areas associated with the Circum Superior Belt include … Wikipedia
Lachlan Fold Belt — The Lachlan Fold Belt (LFB) or Lachlan Orogen is a geological subdivision of the east part of Australia. It is a zone of folded and faulted rocks of similar age. It dominates New South Wales and Victoria, also extending into Tasmania, the… … Wikipedia