oriental salmons

oriental salmons
тихоокеанские лососи

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "oriental salmons" в других словарях:

  • Fish migration — Many species of salmon are anadromous and migrate long distances up rivers and streams to spawn. Many types of fish migrate on a regular basis, on time scales ranging from daily to annually or longer, and over distances ranging from a few metres… …   Wikipedia

  • Parques nacionales de Sudáfrica — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Además de los Parques nacionales, en África del Sur encontramos las Reservas de caza (Game Reserve), y las Reservas Naturales (Nature Reserve), muchas de ellas de carácter privado. Los Parques Nacionales de Sudáfrica …   Wikipedia Español

  • Wildlife of Azerbaijan — consists of its flora and fauna and their natural habitats.The symbol of Fauna in Azerbaijan is the Karabakh horse (Azeri: Qarabağ At) which is a mountain steppe racing and riding horse which can only be found in Azerbaijan. It is one of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Allan R. Bomhard — (* 1943 in Brooklyn, New York) ist ein US amerikanischer Linguist. Er studierte an der Fairleigh Dickinson University (Hunter College) und der City University of New York. Sein Arbeitsschwerpunkt als Sprachwissenschaftler ist die Indogermanistik… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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