- operating expenses
расходы по эксплуатации
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
operating expenses — index overhead Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 operating expenses n. Th … Law dictionary
operating expenses — The amount paid for asset maintenance or the cost of doing business, excluding depreciation. earnings are distributed after operating expenses are deducted. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
operating expenses — 1. *Costs that relate to an organization’s normal activities. Examples of operating expenses include administrative, *manufacturing, and selling costs. 2. *Costs incurred by an organization that do not relate directly to *manufacturing activity … Auditor's dictionary
operating expenses — эксплуатационные расходы гостиницы put a person to expenses ввести в расход stationery expenses канцелярские расходы to keep down expenses сокращать расходы burden with expenses обременять расходами executive expenses управленческие расходы … English-Russian travelling dictionary
Operating expenses — Segment expenses related both to revenue from sales to unaffiliated customers and revenue from intersegment sales or transfers, excluding loss on disposition of property, plant, and equipment; interest expenses and financial charges; foreign… … Energy terms
operating expenses — (OE) All the expenses of running a business except the cost of goods sold … American business jargon
operating expenses of public utility — The cost of operation of the plant, general expenses, and cost of maintaining the property in such condition that its operating efficiency at the end is at least as great as it was at the beginning of the year. 43 Am J1st Pub Util § 141 … Ballentine's law dictionary
operating expenses — costs involved in operation, costs required to be active … English contemporary dictionary
operating expenses and revenues — The costs and revenues incurred or generated by an organization in the normal course of business, excluding any extraordinary items … Accounting dictionary
operating expenses of carrier — All items of cost or expense incident to the actual handling and movement of traffic … Ballentine's law dictionary
Operating cost — Operating costs can be described as the expenses which are related to the operation of a business, or to the operation of a device, component, piece of equipment or facility. Business operating costs For a commercial enterprise, operating costs… … Wikipedia