oil in place

oil in place
геологические запасы

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "oil in place" в других словарях:

  • Oil in place — is the total hydrocarbon content of an oil reservoir and is often abbreviated STOOIP, which stands for Stock Tank Original Oil In Place, or STOIIP for Stock Tank Oil Initially In Place, referring to the oil in place before the commencement of… …   Wikipedia

  • Oil sands — The Athabasca oil sands in Alberta, Canada, are a very large source of bitumen, which can be upgraded to synthetic crude oil. Bituminous sands, colloquially known as oil sands or tar sands, are a type of unconventional petroleum deposit. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Oil reserves — Proven Oil Reserves, as published by the CIA Factbook, 2009 The total estimated amount of oil in an oil reservoir, including both producible and non producible oil, is called oil in place. However, because of reservoir characteristics and… …   Wikipedia

  • Oil reserves in Iran — Iran s Oil and Gas Fields and Infrastructures Oil reserves in Iran, according to its government, rank third largest in the world at approximately 150 billion barrels (24×10^9 m3) as of 2007, although it ranks second if Canadian reserves of… …   Wikipedia

  • Oil industry in Azerbaijan — Azerbaijan produces about 800,000 barrels of oil per day and 1 bcma of gas a production that will grow to historical peak of 1.2 million bo/d by 2008 with an equally large amount of gas. Azerbaijan is one of the birthplaces of the oil industry,… …   Wikipedia

  • Oil in Mexico — Mexico is the sixth largest producer of oil in the world and the tenth largest in terms of net export as of 2007. It is the second largest oil producer in the Western Hemisphere behind only the United States and just ahead of Canada. However,… …   Wikipedia

  • Oil shale reserves — refers to oil shale resources that are recoverable under given economic restraints and technological abilities. Oil shale deposits range from small presently non economic occurrences to large presently commercially exploitable reserves. Defining… …   Wikipedia

  • Oil shale extraction — is an industrial process in which kerogen mdash;a mixture of organic chemical compounds (including hydrocarbons) found in oil shale mdash;is converted into synthetic crude oil through pyrolysis. In pyrolysis, oil shale is heated in the absence of …   Wikipedia

  • Oil & Gas UK — Abbreviation (former UKOOA) Motto The Voice of the Offshore Industry Formation April 2007 Legal status Non profit company Purpose/focus Offshore oil …   Wikipedia

  • Oil well control — is the management of the dangerous effects caused by unexpected high pressures upon surface equipment of oil or gas drilling rigs. Technically, oil well control involves preventing Formation fluid, usually referred to as kick, from entering into… …   Wikipedia

  • Oil Springs, Ontario — Oil Springs   Village   …   Wikipedia

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