- noise survey
• изучение волнового поля• отстрел волнового поля
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Noise-induced hearing loss — (NIHL) is an increasingly prevalent disorder that results from exposure to high intensity sound, especially over a long period of time. Contents 1 Description 2 Mechanism 3 Types 3.1 … Wikipedia
Noise regulation — includes statutes or guidelines relating to sound transmission established by national, state or provincial and municipal levels of government. After the watershed passage of the United States Noise Control Act of 1972,[1] other local and state… … Wikipedia
Aircraft noise — is defined as sound produced by any aircraft or its components, during various phases of a flight, on the ground while parked such as auxiliary power units, while taxiing, on run up from propeller and jet exhaust, during take off, underneath and… … Wikipedia
The Dark Energy Survey — DES logo The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is a survey that aims to probe the dynamics of the expansion of the universe and the growth of large scale structure. The collaboration is composed of research institutes and universities from United… … Wikipedia
American Housing Survey — The American Housing Survey (AHS) [ [http://www.huduser.org/datasets/ahs.html American Housing Survey site at HUD User] ] is a statistical survey funded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and conducted by the U … Wikipedia
Sloan Digital Sky Survey — The Sloan Digital Sky Survey or SDSS is a major multi filter imaging and spectroscopic redshift survey using a dedicated 2.5 m wide angle optical telescope at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico. The project was named after the Alfred P. Sloan … Wikipedia
Lärmmessung — (f), Geräuschmessung (f), Schallmessung (f) eng noise measurement Lärmmessung (f), Lärmkontrolle (f) eng noise survey … Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz Glossar
Lärmkontrolle — Lärmmessung (f), Lärmkontrolle (f) eng noise survey … Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz Glossar
шумовой контроль — rus шумовой контроль (м) eng noise survey fra enquête (f) sonométrique deu Lärmmessung (f), Lärmkontrolle (f) spa investigación (f) del ruido … Безопасность и гигиена труда. Перевод на английский, французский, немецкий, испанский языки
изучение динамики сейсмических помех — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN ground noise survey … Справочник технического переводчика
Air transport and the environment (United Kingdom) — Increasing demand for air travel in the UK has resulted in a conflict between the desire to cater for that demand and the environmental consequences of doing so. In the past 25 years the UK air transport industry has seen sustained growth, and… … Wikipedia