- nivation
- нивация
* * *• нивация• образование фирна на суше• покрытие снегом
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
nivation — ● nivation nom féminin (latin nix, nivis, neige) Ensemble des phénomènes par lesquels la neige influe sur le relief. ⇒NIVATION, subst. fém. GÉOGR. Action de la neige sur le relief. Les géographes désignent sous l expression de nivation l ensemble … Encyclopédie Universelle
Nivation — is a collective name for the different processes that occur under a snow patch. The primary processes are mass wasting and the freeze and thaw cycle,[1] in which fallen snow gets compacted into firn or névé. The term glacier is applied only when… … Wikipedia
Nivation — [zu lateinisch nix, nivis »Schnee«] die, / en, die Einwirkung von Schnee auf die Erdoberfläche. Durch Bewegung und Druck des Schnees und durch das Schmelzwasser entstehen u. a. mulden , wannen oder nischenartige Hohlformen (Nivationsmulden,… … Universal-Lexikon
Nivation — Der Begriff Nivation bezeichnet in der Geomorphologie Verwitterungs und Erosionsprozesse, untergeordnet auch Ablagerungs und Akkumulationsprozesse, die durch temporäre und perennierende Schneeflecken in Periglazialgebieten beschleunigt und/oder… … Deutsch Wikipedia
nivation — The process of excavation of a shallow depression or nivation hollow on a mountain side by removal of fine material around the edge of a shrinking snow patch or snow bank, chiefly through sheetwash, rivulet flow, and solution in melt water.… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
nivation hollow — a circular depression in the ground, usually seen in periglacial areas, that has been created by nivation … Geography glossary
nivation hollow — A shallow, non cliffed depression or hollow on a mountain side permanently or intermittently occupied by a snow bank or snow patch and produced by nivation. If the snow completely melts each summer the hollow is deepened; otherwise not; may be … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
nivation — /nuy vay sheuhn/, n. Geol. erosion resulting from the action of frost beneath a snowbank. [1895 1900; < L niv (s. of nix) snow + ATION] * * * … Universalium
nivation — noun erosion caused by freezing / thawing due to snow … Wiktionary
nivation — the expansion of a hollow through freeze thaw under a patch of snow and the subsequent washing out of the debris by meltwater … Geography glossary
Nivation — Ni|va|ti|on 〈[ va ] f.; Gen.: , Pl.: en; Geol.〉 Abtragung von Gesteinsmaterial durch Abgleiten von Firn u. Schnee … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch