- acentrous
- лишённый позвоночных тел
* * *лишенный позвоночных тел
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
acentrous — adjective lacking vertebral centra Some bony fishes (Teleostei, Amia, Lepisosteus, and Brachiopterygii) have well ossified centra and neural and hemal arches. Others (Dipnoi, Latimeria, and Chondrostei) lack centra (acentrous), and the notochord… … Wiktionary
acentrous — without vertebral centra, with persistent notochord, e.g. Dipnoi, Holocephali … Dictionary of ichthyology
acentrous — acen·trous … English syllables
acentrous — (ˈ)ā|sen.trəs adjective Etymology: a (II) + centr + ous of some primitive fishes : having the notochord persistent through life and lacking vertebral centra … Useful english dictionary