nested within each other

nested within each other
вложенные одна в другую

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "nested within each other" в других словарях:

  • Nested association mapping — (NAM) is a technique designed by the labs of Edward Buckler, James Holland, and Michael McMullen for identifying and dissecting the genetic architecture of complex traits in corn (Zea mays). It is important to note that nested association mapping …   Wikipedia

  • nested case-control study — a case control study nested within a cohort study: a population is identified and baseline data obtained and stored; after following the cohort for some time, a case control study is performed using the small percentage of people who develop the… …   Medical dictionary

  • Story within a story — A story within a story, also rendered story within a story, is a literary device in which one narrative is presented during the action of another narrative. Mise en abyme is the French term for a similar literary device (also referring to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Nested quotation — A nested quotation is a quotation that is encapsulated inside another quotation, forming a hierarchy with multiple levels. When focusing on a certain quotation, one must interpret it within its scope. Nested quotation can be used in literature… …   Wikipedia

  • Nested quote — A nested quote is a quote that is encapsulated inside another quote, forming a hierarchy with multiple levels. When focusing on a certain quote, one must interpret it within its scope. Nested quotes can be used in literature (as in nested… …   Wikipedia

  • Nested set model — The nested set model is a particular technique for representing nested sets (also known as trees or hierarchies) in relational databases. The term was apparently introduced by Joe Celko; others describe the same technique without naming it [1] or …   Wikipedia

  • Nested case-control study — A nested case control study is a variation of a case cohort study in which only a subset of controls from the cohort are compared to the incident cases. In a case cohort study, all incident cases in the cohort are compared to a random subset of… …   Wikipedia

  • Spelljammer — Crystal sphere redirects here. You may be looking for The Crystal Spheres by David Brin. Spelljammer The Spelljammer logo Designer(s) Jeff Grubb Publisher(s) TSR, Inc. Wizards of the Coast …   Wikipedia

  • The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia — The Countess of Pembroke s Arcadia, also known simply as the Arcadia or the Old Arcadia, is a long prose work by Sir Philip Sidney written towards the end of the sixteenth century, and later published in several versions. It is Sidney s most… …   Wikipedia

  • Holon (philosophy) — A holon (Greek: holos , whole ) is something that is simultaneously a whole and a part. The word was coined by Arthur Koestler in his book The Ghost in the Machine (1967, p. 48). Koestler was compelled by two observations in proposing the notion… …   Wikipedia

  • Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia — The Countess of Pembroke s Arcadia , also known simply as The Arcadia is by far Sir Philip Sidney s most ambitious work. It was as significant in its own way as his sonnets. The work is a romance that combines pastoral elements with a mood… …   Wikipedia

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