- near earthquake
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Earthquake construction — is a branch of architectural engineering concerned with making sure structures can withstand as severe an earthquake shock as possible given the materials available. When, the structure in question is a human habitation, the questions of… … Wikipedia
EARTHQUAKE — EARTHQUAKE, ground vibrations produced generally by a sudden subterranean occurrence. Accounts of destructive earthquakes extend far into antiquity. In biblical times earthquakes, like thunder and other natural cataclysms, were regarded as… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
earthquake — /errth kwayk /, n. 1. a series of vibrations induced in the earth s crust by the abrupt rupture and rebound of rocks in which elastic strain has been slowly accumulating. 2. something that is severely disruptive; upheaval. [1300 50; ME erthequake … Universalium
Earthquake prediction — An earthquake prediction is a prediction that an earthquake in a specific magnitude range will occur in a specific region and time window. Predictions are considered as such to the extent that they are reliable for practical, as well as… … Wikipedia
Earthquake — For other uses, see Earthquake (disambiguation). Global earthquake epicenters, 1963–1998 … Wikipedia
Earthquake Early Warning (Japan) — The Nihongo|Earthquake Early Warning (EEW)|緊急地震速報|Kinkyū Jishin Sokuhō is a warning which is issued just after an earthquake in Japan is detected.cite news url=http://www.jma.go.jp/jma/en/Activities/eew1.html title=What is the Earthquake Early… … Wikipedia
Earthquake light — An earthquake light is an unusual luminous aerial phenomenon, similar in appearance to the aurora borealis, that allegedly appears in the sky at or near areas of tectonic stress, seismic activity or volcanic eruptions. Scientific evidence for the … Wikipedia
Earthquake swarm — [ thumb|250px|February 2008 swarm near Mexicali.] Earthquake swarms are events where a local area experiences sequences of many earthquakes striking in a relatively short period of time. The length of time used to define the swarm itself varies,… … Wikipedia
Near East earthquake of 1759 — The Near East earthquake of 1759 was a devastating earthquake that shook a wide region in November, 1759.[1] Impact Baalbek: The ruins of Baalbek were badly damaged.[2] References ^ Sources of the large A.D. 1202 and 1759 Near East earthquakes,M … Wikipedia
Earthquake scenario — An Earthquake scenario is a planning tool to determine the appropriate emergency responses or building systems in seismic risk areas. It uses the basics of seismic hazard studies, but usually places a set earthquake on a specific fault, most… … Wikipedia
Near-death experience — Der Flug zum Himmel (Hieronymus Bosch) Unter einer Nahtod Erfahrung versteht man ein Phänomen, das unter anderem bei Menschen auftritt, die für begrenzte Zeit für klinisch tot befunden wurden – beispielsweise während einer Operation, in Folge… … Deutsch Wikipedia