- neanic
- неанический (относящийся к незрелой, юношеской стадии развития)
* * *относящийся к юношеской стадии
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
neanic — adj. [Gr. neanikos, fresh] 1. Being youthful or immature; a stage of development between the brephic and mature. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) The pupal stage. 3. (BRACHIOPODA) A youthful stage when generic characters are beginning to become apparent … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
neanic — ne·an·ic … English syllables
neanic — a. young; brephic … Dictionary of difficult words
neanic — nēˈanik adjective Etymology: Greek neanikos youthful, vigorous, from neanias young man + ikos ic; akin to Greek neos new more at new : youthful; specifically : constituting the pupal stage of insect development … Useful english dictionary
Zeacolpus — Taxobox name = Zeacolpus image caption = Zeacolpus vittatus regnum = Animalia phylum = Mollusca classis = Gastropoda subclassis = Orthogastropoda infraclassis = Apogastropoda superordo = Caenogastropoda ordo = Sorbeoconcha subordo =… … Wikipedia
brephic — adj. [Gr. brephos, embryo] 1. Pertaining to an early stage of development. 2. (BRACHIOPODA) The juvenile stage in shell development after protegulum, shown by presence of growth lines; from neanic shells, distinguished by absence of radial… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
ephebic — adj. [Gr. epi, upon; hebe, puberty] 1. Mature. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) The adult; between the neanic and gerontic stage; the winged adult stage. 3. (BRYOZOA) Zooids laid down during the phase of astogenic repetition … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
phyloneanic — adj. [Gr. phyle, tribe; neanikos, youthful] Adolescent stage in phylogeny; see neanic … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
ephebic — ə̇ˈfēbik, (ˈ)e|f adjective Etymology: Greek ephēbikos, from ephēbos + ikos ic 1. : of or relating to the ephebi ephebic oath ephebic inscriptions 2. biology : being between the neanic and gerontic stages … Useful english dictionary