- mullite
- муллит, Al6Si2O13
* * *муллит
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Mullite — General Category Silicate mineral Chemical formula Al6Si2O13 Strunz classification 9.AF.20 Crystal symmetry … Wikipedia
mullite — ● mullite nom féminin (de Mull, nom propre) Silicate naturel d aluminium … Encyclopédie Universelle
mullite — [mul′īt΄] n. [after Mull, island off W coast of Scotland, where the ore is found + ITE1] a light colored, very hard, orthorhombic mineral, Al6Si2O13, that is resistant to heat and corrosion, used to make glass, furnace linings, etc … English World dictionary
Mullite — La mullite est un aluminosilicate. Ce cristal est un composé stœchiométrique d oxyde d aluminium (III) et d oxyde de silicium (IV) dont la composition est : 3Al2O3,2SiO2 soit en masse, 72% d oxyde d aluminium et 28% d oxyde de silicium. La… … Wikipédia en Français
mullite — /mul uyt/, n. a rare clay mineral, aluminum silicate, Al6Si2O13, produced artificially during various melting and firing processes: used as a refractory. Also called porcelainite. [1924; after MULL, source of the rocks in which it was first… … Universalium
mullite — noun Etymology: Mull, island of the Inner Hebrides Date: 1924 a mineral that is an orthorhombic silicate of aluminum which is resistant to corrosion and heat and is used as a refractory … New Collegiate Dictionary
mullite — Смотри Муллит … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
mullite — mull·ite … English syllables
mullite — ˈməˌlīt noun ( s) Etymology: Mull, island off the west coast of Scotland + English ite : a mineral Al6Si2O13 consisting of a silicate of aluminum that is orthorhombic in form and resistant to corrosion and heat and is found naturally and also… … Useful english dictionary
Муллит — [mullite] минерал силикат алюминия ЗАl2O3. • 2SiO2 (71,8 % Аl2O3, 28,2 % SiO2); в природе встречается редко, синтезируется обжигом или плавлением, кристаллизируется в ромбической системе, γ = 3,1 г/см3, твердость 6 7, tпл = 1910 °С. При избытке… … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Mullit — Weißer, faseriger Mullit vor dicktafeligem Osumilith (Bildgröße: 1,5 mm) Fundort: Wannenköpfe, Ochtendung, Eifel, Deutschland Chemische Formel … Deutsch Wikipedia