- mud peat
• грязевой торф• кашеобразный, но довольно плотный торф• сильно мацерированный торф, образующий нижние слои торфяного болота
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
mud flat — Synonyms and related words: baygall, bog, bottom, bottomland, bottoms, buffalo wallow, everglade, fen, fenland, glade, hog wallow, holm, marais, marish, marsh, marshland, meadow, mere, mire, moor, moorland, morass, moss, mud, peat bog, quagmire,… … Moby Thesaurus
Peat pulp bath — A peat pulp bath is a bath prepared of peat pulp from wetlands. Balneotherapy in form of peat pulp baths is offered in many health resorts. Form of application and therapeutic mechanism Up to now, the mechanism of action has only partly been… … Wikipedia
Mud Lake (Wisconsin) — There are over 150 lakes named Mud Lake within the U.S. state of Wisconsin. According to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Mud Lake is the most common lake name in Wisconsin and 116 lakes bear the name.[1] Because of the way GNIS is… … Wikipedia
Mud bath — Bather covered with mud at the Dead Sea … Wikipedia
mud — Synonyms and related words: baygall, bog, bottom, bottomland, bottoms, buffalo wallow, clay, dirt, dust, everglade, fen, fenland, glade, grime, gumbo, hog wallow, holm, marais, marish, marsh, marshland, meadow, mere, mire, moor, moorland, morass … Moby Thesaurus
New Siberia — Native name: Новая Сибирь Location of New Siberia in the Anzhu subgroup … Wikipedia
pelotherapy — Application of peloids, such as mud, peat, or clay, to all or part of the body. SYN: pelopathy. [G. pelos, mud, + therapeia, treatment] * * * pe·lo·ther·a·py (pe″lo therґə pe) [pelo + therapy] the therapeutic use of earth or mud … Medical dictionary
Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross — Conservation status Endangered … Wikipedia
earth — [n2] ground, soil alluvium, clay, clod, coast, compost, deposit, dirt, dry land, dust, fill, glebe, gravel, humus, land, loam, marl, mold, muck, mud, peat moss, sand, shore, sod, subsoil, surface, terra firma, terrain, terrane, topsoil, turf;… … New thesaurus
piddock — [pid′ək] n. [< ?] any of a family (Pholadidae) of bivalve mollusks which bore holes in mud, peat, wood, clay, and soft rocks … English World dictionary
Frost boil — Mud boils near Lapporten, Sweden Frost boils (also known as mud boils, frost scars and mud circles [1]) are upwellings of mud that occur through frost heave and cryoturbation in permafrost areas, such as arctic and alpine regions. They are… … Wikipedia