- MT anomaly
магнитотеллурическая аномалия
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Anomaly detection — Anomaly detection, also referred to as outlier detection[1] refers to detecting patterns in a given data set that do not conform to an established normal behavior.[2] The patterns thus detected are called anomalies and often translate to critical … Wikipedia
Anomaly — Studioalbum von Ace Frehley Veröffentlichung 27. Oktober 2009 Aufnahme 2007–2009 Label … Deutsch Wikipedia
Anomaly — A*nom a*ly, n.; pl. {Anomalies}. [L. anomalia, Gr. ?. See {Anomalous}.] 1. Deviation from the common rule; an irregularity; anything anomalous. [1913 Webster] We are enabled to unite into a consistent whole the various anomalies and contending… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Anomaly — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Anomaly Anomaly (Anomalía en español) es el próximo álbum como solista del ex guitarrista de Kiss, Ace Frehley, que se publicará el 15 de septiembre del 2009. Se trata de su cuarto álbum de estudio con nuevo material … Wikipedia Español
anomaly — I noun aberration, abnormality, amorphism, curiosity, departure, deviation, discrepancy, divergence, eccentricity, exception, incongruity, inconsistency, irregularity, monstrosity, nonconformity, oddity, peculiarity, quirk, singularity,… … Law dictionary
anomaly — (n.) 1570s, from L. anomalia, from Gk. anomalia inequality, noun of quality from anomalos uneven, irregular, from an , privative prefix, not (see AN (Cf. an ) (1)) + homalos even, from homos same (see SAME (Cf … Etymology dictionary
anomaly — *paradox, antinomy … New Dictionary of Synonyms
anomaly — [n] deviation from normal, usual aberration, abnormality, departure, deviation, eccentricity, exception, incongruity, inconsistency, irregularity, oddity, peculiarity, rarity, unconformity, unorthodoxy; concept 647 Ant. conformity, normality,… … New thesaurus
anomaly — ► NOUN (pl. anomalies) ▪ something that deviates from what is standard or normal … English terms dictionary
anomaly — [ə näm′ə lē] n. pl. anomalies [L anomalia < Gr anōmalia, inequality: see ANOMALOUS] 1. departure from the regular arrangement, general rule, or usual method; abnormality 2. anything anomalous 3. Astron. a measurement used for any orbiting body … English World dictionary
Anomaly (Primeval) — Anomalies are fictional phenomena which occur in the science fiction television series Primeval and are a type of time portal. The anomaly is shown as an orb of fractured reflective or refractive triangles in the air, much like shards of broken… … Wikipedia