- mounted slide
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Slide guitar — or bottleneck guitar is a particular method or technique for playing the guitar. The term slide is in reference to the sliding motion of the slide against the strings, while bottleneck refers to the original material of choice for such slides,… … Wikipedia
slide — ► VERB (past and past part. slid) 1) move along a smooth surface while maintaining continuous contact with it. 2) move smoothly, quickly, or unobtrusively. 3) change gradually to a worse condition or lower level. ► NOUN 1) a structure with a… … English terms dictionary
slide — [slīd] vi. slid [slid] sliding [ME sliden < OE slidan < IE * (s)leidh , slippery < base * (s)lei , slimy, slippery > LIME1, SLICK, SLIME] 1. to move along in constant frictional contact with some surface or substance [windows that… … English World dictionary
slide — slidable, adj. slidableness, n. /sluyd/, v., slid /slid/, slid or slidden /slid n/, sliding, n. v.i. 1. to move along in continuous contact with a smooth or slippery surface: to slide down a snow covered hill. 2. to slip or skid … Universalium
slide — I. verb (slid; sliding) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English slīdan; akin to Middle High German slīten to slide Date: before 12th century intransitive verb 1. a. to move smoothly along a surface ; slip b. to coast over snow … New Collegiate Dictionary
Slide library — A slide library is a library that houses a collection of photographic slides, either as a part of a larger library or standing alone within a larger organization, such as an academic department of a college or university, a museum, or a… … Wikipedia
slide — v. & n. v. (past and past part. slid) 1 a intr. move along a smooth surface with continuous contact on the same part of the thing moving (cf. ROLL). b tr. cause to do this (slide the drawer into place). 2 intr. move quietly; glide; go smoothly… … Useful english dictionary
slide — verb (past and past participle slid) 1》 move along a smooth surface, especially downwards, while maintaining continuous contact with it. 2》 change gradually to a worse condition or lower level. noun 1》 a structure with a smooth sloping surface… … English new terms dictionary
slide — [[t]slaɪd[/t]] v. slid(slid), slid•ing, 1) to move along in continuous contact with a smooth or slippery surface 2) to slip or skid 3) to glide or pass smoothly 4) to slip easily or unobtrusively on or as if on a track (usu. fol. by in, out,… … From formal English to slang
Slide projector — Projector Pro*ject or, n. [Cf. F. projeteur.] 1. One who projects a scheme or design; hence, one who forms fanciful or chimerical schemes. L Estrange. [1913 Webster] 2. an optical instrument which projects an image from a transparency or an… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
slide — A rectangular glass plate on which is placed an object to be examined under the microscope. * * * slide slīd n a flat piece of glass or plastic on which an object is mounted for microscopic examination * * * (slīd) a glass plate on which… … Medical dictionary