- mountain scarp
горный обрыв
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Scarp — Scarp, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scarped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Scarping}.] To cut down perpendicularly, or nearly so; as, to scarp the face of a ditch or a rock. [1913 Webster] From scarped cliff and quarried stone. Tennyson. [1913 Webster] Sweep ruins… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scarp — SCARP, an isle, in the parish of Harris, district of Lewis, county of Inverness; containing 129 inhabitants. This is a high conical rocky isle, consisting of a solid mountain, of which the diameter is about three miles. It lies on the western… … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland
scarp — /skap / (say skahp) noun 1. a steep ridge extending from a mountain range; escarpment. 2. Fortifications the side of a ditch next to a rampart; an escarp. –verb (t) 3. to form or cut into a scarp. {Italian scarpa. See escarp} …
Darling Scarp — Southwest Western Australia from space. The dark green is dense vegetation on and above the scarp, which has been retained for forest reserve and water catchment purposes. The sharp vegetation boundary on the coastal side coincides with the edge… … Wikipedia
Darling Scarp — Südwestliches Western Australia aus dem Weltall betrachtet. Das dunkle Grün ist eine dichte Vegetation an und über der Scarp, die als Wälder und Wassereinzugsgebiet erhalten blieb. Die Grenze der Scarp Vegetation an der Küste stimmt mit der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bangor Mountain — Infobox Mountain Name = Bangor Mountain Photo = Top of bangor mountain.jpg Caption = Top of Bangor Mountain Elevation = 117 m (384 ft) Location = Gwynedd, WAL Prominence = c. 32 m Coordinates = Topographic OS Landranger 115 Grid ref UK =… … Wikipedia
Fault-block mountain — Fault block or fault mountains are produced when normal ( near vertical ) faults fracture a section of continental crust. Vertical motion of the resulting blocks, sometimes accompanied by tilting, can then lead to high escarpments. These… … Wikipedia
Boden Fortress — Infobox Military Structure name=Boden Fortress location=Boden, Norrbotten, Sweden caption=Rödberget Fort, part of Boden Fortress, seen from the north. The caponier ditch and the armored turrets are clearly visible, as well as the magnificent view … Wikipedia
Ajanta Caves — Infobox World Heritage Site WHS = Ajanta Caves State Party = IND Type = Cultural Criteria = i, ii, iii, vi ID = 242 Region = Asia Pacific Year = 1983 Session = 7th Link = http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/242Ajanta Caves in Maharashtra, India are… … Wikipedia
Warner Lakes — below Hart Mountain scarp Location Lake County, Oregon, USA Coordinates … Wikipedia
Namibia — Namibian, adj., n. /neuh mib ee euh/, n. a republic in SW Africa: a former German protectorate; a mandate of South Africa 1920 66; gained independence 1990. 1,727,183; 318,261 sq. mi. (824,296 sq. km). Cap.: Windhoek. Formerly, German Southwest… … Universalium