- mobilism
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
mobilism — ≠ nemişcare Trimis de siveco, 03.08.2004. Sursa: Antonime mobilísm s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic MOBILÍSM s. n. 1. caracter mobil. 2. teorie care susţine că scoarţa terestră este în continuă mişcare. (< fr … Dicționar Român
mobilism — … Useful english dictionary
Expanding Earth theory — The Expanding Earth theory is an attempt to explain the position and movement of continents (continental drift) on the surface of the Earth. The expanded earth theory (and plate tectonics) incorporates the appearance of new crustal material at… … Wikipedia
Observation on the Spot — Polish book cover Observation on the Spot (Wizja lokalna, also translated as Inspection at the Scene of the Crime) is a science fiction novel by Stanisław Lem which has not been translated into English. It deals with Ijon Tichy s traveling to a… … Wikipedia
Eternalism — The word eternalism has at least three meanings:*Eternalism (philosophy of time) is a view according to which the past, present and future are all equally real.*Eternalism is a position in phenomenology that the world must be seen as static and… … Wikipedia
Мобилизм — термин, применяемый к тект. гипотезам, допускающим возможность перемещений отдельных глыб материковой (гранитной) коры по пластичному слою подкорового субстрата. Первоначально предполагалось, что такое перемещение возможно по подстилающему… … Геологическая энциклопедия
Léon Croizat — (1964) Leon Camille Marius Croizat (July 16, 1894 November 30, 1982) was a French Italian scholar and botanist who developed a synthesis of evolution of biological form over space, in time, which he named Panbiogeography. Contents … Wikipedia
Reinout Willem van Bemmelen — (* 14. April 1904 in Jakarta, Niederländisch Indien; † 19. November 1983 in Unterpirkach, Österreich) war ein niederländischer Geologe, der sich vor allem mit Strukturgeologie, Wirtschaftsgeologie und Vulkanologie befasste und grundlegende… … Deutsch Wikipedia
nemişcare — NEMIŞCÁRE s.f. Stare a ceea ce nu se mişcă; imobilitate, neclintire; absenţă a oricărei mişcări; linişte. ♦ Lipsă de acţiune, de activitate; inactivitate; pasivitate, inerţie. – Ne + mişcare. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 … … Dicționar Român