- misregistration
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
misregistration — netikslus tapatinimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. misalignment; misregistration vok. fehlerhafte Justierung, f rus. неточное совмещение, n pranc. désalignement, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
misregistration — n. * * * … Universalium
misregistration — noun Incorrect registration (in any sense) … Wiktionary
misregistration — mis reg•is•tra′tion n … From formal English to slang
misregistration — n … Useful english dictionary
Trap (printing) — Trapping is a prepress technique, also known as spreading and choking. It consists of creating small overlaps between abutting colors in order to mask registration problems on the printing press later on in the graphical production. Why trap?… … Wikipedia
Visual display unit — A visual display unit, often called simply a monitor or display, is a piece of electrical equipment which displays images generated from the video output of devices such as computers, without producing a permanent record. A newer monitor… … Wikipedia
Absentee landlord — is an economic term for a person who owns and rents out a profit earning property, but does not live within the property s local economic region.CriticsWho|date=April 2008 of this practice argue that absentee landlords drain local wealth,… … Wikipedia
Errors, freaks, and oddities — In philately, errors, freaks, and oddities or EFO is a blanket term referring to all the kinds of things that can go wrong when producing postage stamps. It encompasses everything from major design errors to stamps that are just poorly printed,… … Wikipedia
Оверпринт — Оверпринт наложение одного цветного элемента на другой без создания выворотки в процессе электронного монтирования цветного материала на допечатной стадии полиграфического процесса. Оверпринт применяется для предотвращения появления белой… … Википедия
Israeli land and property laws — Land and property laws in Israel provide a legal framework which governs land and property issues in Israel. At its establishment, Israel continued to apply the pre existing Ottoman and British land law. Over time, these laws were amended or… … Wikipedia