assimilation phase of the program

assimilation phase of the program
подготовительный этап

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "assimilation phase of the program" в других словарях:

  • ASSIMILATION — ASSIMILATION. In general the sociocultural process in which the sense and consciousness of association with one national and cultural group changes to identification with another such group, so that the merged individual or group may partially or …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • History of the Romani people — The Romani people, also referred to as the Roma or Gypsies, are an ethnic group who live primarily in Europe. They are believed to have originated in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. They began their migration to Europe and North… …   Wikipedia

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  • HISTORICAL SURVEY: THE STATE AND ITS ANTECEDENTS (1880–2006) — Introduction It took the new Jewish nation about 70 years to emerge as the State of Israel. The immediate stimulus that initiated the modern return to Zion was the disappointment, in the last quarter of the 19th century, of the expectation that… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • History of science and technology in the People's Republic of China — For more than a century China s leaders have called for rapid development of science and technology, and science policy has played a greater role in national politics in China than in many other countries. China s scientific and technical… …   Wikipedia

  • Industrial history of the People's Republic of China — Main articles: Economy and economic history of the People s Republic of China. China s industrial sector has shown great progress since 1949, but in the late 1980s it remained undeveloped in many respects. Although the country manufactured… …   Wikipedia

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  • Borg (Star Trek) — The Borg A Borg insignia, designed by Rick Sternbach (first appeared in the episode Q Who)[n 1] Founded Before the 15th century Base of operations Delta Quadrant …   Wikipedia

  • JERUSALEM — The entry is arranged according to the following outline: history name protohistory the bronze age david and first temple period second temple period the roman period byzantine jerusalem arab period crusader period mamluk period …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Roman Catholicism — the faith, practice, and system of government of the Roman Catholic Church. [1815 25] * * * Largest single Christian denomination in the world, with some one billion members, or about 18% of the world s population. The Roman Catholic church has… …   Universalium

  • Hells Angels — The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club (HAMC) is a world wide one percenter motorcycle gang whose members typically ride Harley Davidson motorcycles. In the United States and Canada, the Hells Angels are incorporated as the Hells Angels Motorcycle… …   Wikipedia

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