- mineral cycles
"минеральные циклы"
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
CYCLES BIOGÉOCHIMIQUES — L’activité de la Terre est incessante: toutes ses couches – du noyau à la plus haute atmosphère – sont animées de continuels mouvements et, surtout, ses enveloppes superficielles – l’atmosphère, les océans et la surface des continents – abritent… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Mineral — For other uses, see Mineral (disambiguation). An assortment of minerals. A mineral is a naturally occurring … Wikipedia
Cycles biogéochimiques — Cycle biogéochimique En écologie et plus généralement en sciences de la Terre, un cycle biogéochimique est le processus de transport et de transformation cyclique d un élément ou composé chimique entre les grandes réservoirs que sont la géosphère … Wikipédia en Français
Dietary mineral — Dietary minerals (also known as mineral nutrients) are the chemical elements required by living organisms, other than the four elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen present in common organic molecules. Examples of mineral elements… … Wikipedia
Heavy mineral sands ore deposits — Heavy minerals (dark) in a quartz beach sand (Chennai, India). Heavy mineral sands are a class of ore deposit which is an important source of zirconium, titanium, thorium, tungsten, rare earth elements, the industrial minerals diamond … Wikipedia
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town — Developer(s) Marvelous Interactive Inc. Publisher(s) Natsume Co., Ltd … Wikipedia
Permanent Wyoming Mineral Trust Fund - PWMTF — Established in 1974 by the Wyoming Legislature, the Permanent Wyoming Mineral Trust Fund (PWMTF) is that state s oldest and largest permanent fund, with assets of $4.2 billion as of June 30, 2009. It is funded by a portion of severance taxes on… … Investment dictionary
Géode (minéral) — Géode d améthyste, Brésil. Une géode (du grec γεώδης geodes, «comme la terre» : γη̃ (guê) « terre » et de ειδής de ει̃δος (eïdos) « forme, aspect ») est une cavité rocheuse tapissée de cristaux souvent automorphes et d… … Wikipédia en Français
Nutrient cycle — … Wikipedia
John D. Hamaker — (1914–1994), was an American mechanical engineer, ecologist, agronomist and science writer in the fields of soil remineralization, rock dusting, mineral cycles, climate cycles and glaciology. Contents 1 Biography 2 Discoveries inventions 3… … Wikipedia
Forests Now Declaration — The Forests Now Declaration is a declaration that calls for a number of new market based mechanisms to protect tropical forests. The Declaration was created by the Global Canopy Programme, and has been signed by over 200 NGOs, business leaders,… … Wikipedia