- mineral belt
пояс минерализации
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Mineral Belt National Recreation Trail — The trail as it passes near the Matchless Mine, north of Leadville. The Mineral Belt National Recreation Trail is an 11.6 mile all season trail that loops around Leadville, Colorado and through its historic mining district. The trail s setting is … Wikipedia
Colorado Mineral Belt — The Colorado Mineral Belt (CMB) is an area with abundant ore deposits. The area stretches north east from the La Plata Mountains in Southwestern Colorado to the Front Range near Boulder, Colorado. Most of the historic metal mining camps of… … Wikipedia
Mineral County, Colorado — Location in the state of Colorado … Wikipedia
mineral processing — or ore dressing Mechanical treatment of crude ores to separate the valuable minerals. Mineral processing was at first applied only to ores of precious metals but later came to be used to recover other metals and nonmetallic minerals. It is also… … Universalium
mineral — 1. adj Relating to minerals or the process and business of mining; bearing or producing valuable minerals 2. noun Any valuable inert or lifeless substance formed or deposited in its present position through natural agencies alone, and which is… … Black's law dictionary
mineral — 1. adj Relating to minerals or the process and business of mining; bearing or producing valuable minerals 2. noun Any valuable inert or lifeless substance formed or deposited in its present position through natural agencies alone, and which is… … Black's law dictionary
Mineral industry of Botswana — The mineral industry of Botswana has dominated the national economy since the early 1990s. Diamond has been the leading component of the mineral sector since large scale diamond production began 25 years ago. Most of Botswana’s diamond production … Wikipedia
belt of cementation — the portion of the zone of fracture in which mineral matter is commonly deposited in cracks, fissures, intergranular spaces, and other openings of the earth … Useful english dictionary
Lead Belt — The Lead Belt is a lead mining district in the southeastern part of Missouri. Counties in the Lead Belt include Saint Francois; Crawford; Dent; Iron; Reynolds; and Washington. European lead mining started in 1720, by Philip Francois Renault of… … Wikipedia
Circum-Superior Belt — Map of cratons, orogenies and the Circum Superior Belt. Areas associated with the Circum Superior Belt include … Wikipedia
Isua greenstone belt — The Isua greenstone belt is an Archean greenstone belt in southwestern Greenland dated at 3.8 3.7 Ga and contains the oldest known, well preserved, metavolcanic (metamorphosed mafic volcanic), metasedimentary and sedimentary rocks on Earth. It… … Wikipedia