micrographic intergrowth

micrographic intergrowth
микрографическое или микропегматитовое прорастание
микрографическое прорастание
микропегматитовое прорастание

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "micrographic intergrowth" в других словарях:

  • Micrographic texture — In petrology, micrographic texture is a fine grained intergrowth of quartz and alkali feldspar, interpreted as the last product of crystallization in some igneous rocks which contain high or moderately high percentages of silica. Micropegmatite… …   Wikipedia

  • granophyre — granophyric /gran euh fir ik/, adj. /gran euh fuyeur /, n. a fine grained or porphyritic granitic rock with a micrographic intergrowth of the minerals of the groundmass. [1880 85; GRANO + PHYRE] * * * ▪ rock       fine grained igneous rock that… …   Universalium

  • granophyre — gran•o•phyre [[t]ˈgræn əˌfaɪər[/t]] n. pet a porphyritic granitic rock with a micrographic intergrowth of the minerals of the groundmass • Etymology: 1880–85; grano + F (por)phyre porphyry gran o•phy′ric ˈfɪr ɪk adj …   From formal English to slang

  • granophyre — /ˈgrænəfaɪə/ (say granuhfuyuh) noun a fine grained or porphyritic granitic rock with a micrographic intergrowth of the minerals of the groundmass. {German Granophyr, from grano (combining form of Granit granite) + (Por)phyr porphyry} –granophyric …  

  • Rock microstructure — includes the texture of a rock and the small scale rock structures. The words texture and microstructure are interchangeable, with the latter preferred in modern geological literature. However, texture is still acceptable because it is a useful… …   Wikipedia

  • Myrmekite — describes a vermicular, or wormy, intergrowth of quartz in plagioclase. The intergrowths are microscopic in scale, typically with maximum dimensions less than 1 millimeter. The plagioclase is sodium rich, usually albite or oligoclase. These… …   Wikipedia

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