metallic lustre

metallic lustre
металлический блеск

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "metallic lustre" в других словарях:

  • metallic lustre, GB — metališkasis blizgesys statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Blizgesys, panašus į šviesą atspindinčio metalo blizgesį. atitikmenys: angl. metallic luster, US; metallic lustre, GB rus. металлический блеск …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • lustre — /lus teuhr/, n., v.t., v.i., lustred, lustring. Chiefly Brit. luster. * * * In mineralogy, the appearance of a mineral surface in terms of its light reflecting qualities. Lustre depends on a mineral s refractivity (see refraction), transparency,… …   Universalium

  • metallic — /məˈtælɪk/ (say muh talik) adjective 1. of, relating to, or consisting of metal. 2. of the nature of metal: metallic lustre; metallic sounds. 3. Chemistry a. (of a metal element) being in the free or uncombined state: metallic iron. b. containing …  

  • metallic luster, US — metališkasis blizgesys statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Blizgesys, panašus į šviesą atspindinčio metalo blizgesį. atitikmenys: angl. metallic luster, US; metallic lustre, GB rus. металлический блеск …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • Lustre (mineralogy) — Lustre (or luster) is a description of the way light interacts with the surface of a crystal, rock, or mineral. The word lustre traces its origins back to the Latin word lux, meaning light , and generally implies radiance, gloss, or brilliance. A …   Wikipedia

  • lustre — (US luster) ► NOUN 1) a gentle sheen or soft glow. 2) glory or distinction. 3) a thin metallic coating giving an iridescent glaze to ceramics. 4) (also lustreware) ceramics with an iridescent metallic glaze. 5) a fabric or yarn with a sheen …   English terms dictionary

  • Lustre — Luster Lus ter, Lustre Lus tre, n. [F. lustre; cf. It. lustro; both fr. L. lustrare to purify, go about (like the priests at the lustral sacrifice), traverse, survey, illuminate, fr. lustrum a purificatory sacrifice; perh. akin to E. loose. But… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lustre — I. /ˈlʌstə / (say lustuh) noun 1. the state or quality of shining by reflecting light; glitter, glisten, sheen, or gloss: the lustre of satin. 2. some substance used to impart sheen or gloss. 3. radiant or luminous brightness; radiance. 4.… …  

  • lustre — 1. n. & v. (US luster) n. 1 gloss, brilliance, or sheen. 2 a shining or reflective surface. 3 a a thin metallic coating giving an iridescent glaze to ceramics. b = LUSTREWARE. 4 a radiance or attractiveness; splendour, glory, distinction (of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • lustre — lustre1 (US luster) noun 1》 a gentle sheen or soft glow.     ↘the manner in which the surface of a mineral reflects light. 2》 a thin metallic coating giving an iridescent glaze to ceramics.     ↘lustreware. 3》 glory or distinction. 4》 a fabric or …   English new terms dictionary

  • metallic — adjective relating to or resembling metal. ↘(of sound) sharp and ringing. ↘having the sheen or lustre of metal. noun a thing that is made of, contains, or resembles metal. Derivatives metallically adverb metallicity noun (plural metallicities) …   English new terms dictionary

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