- meatus
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Meatus — Me*a tus, n. sing. & pl.; E. pl. {Meatuses}. [L., a going, passage, fr. meare to go.] (Anat.) A natural passage or canal; as, the external auditory meatus. See Illust. of {Ear}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Meatus — [lateinisch »Gang«, »Weg«] der, / , Anatomie: Ausführungsgang, Verbindungsgang. Meatus acụsticus, Gehörgang … Universal-Lexikon
meatus — [mē āt′əs] n. pl. meatuses or meatus [LL, avenue of sensation in the body < L, a passage, pp. of meare, to go, pass < IE base * mei , to go] a ductlike passage within the body or the external opening of such a passage, as in the ear, nose,… … English World dictionary
Meātus — (lat., Anat.), ein Gang, s. Kanal 6); M. auditorĭus, s.u. Ohr; M. narĭum, s.u. Nase 2) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Meatus — In anatomy, a meatus is a natural body opening or canal (Latin, 4th declension pl. meatus, or meatuses often incorrectly meati). Examples include: the external acoustic meatus, the opening of the ear canal The internal auditory meatus, a canal in … Wikipedia
Meatus — An opening or passageway. For example, the female urethral meatus. The urethra is the transport tube from the bladder to the outside of the body. In females the urethra is shorter than in the male. The meatus of the female urethra is just above… … Medical dictionary
meatus — n. (in anatomy) a passage or opening. The auditory meatus is the passage leading from the pinna of the outer ear to the eardrum. A nasal meatus is one of three groovelike parts of the nasal cavity beneath each of the nasal conchae. The urethral… … The new mediacal dictionary
meatus — meatal, adj. /mee ay teuhs/, n., pl. meatuses, meatus. Anat. an opening or foramen, esp. in a bone or bony structure, as the opening of the ear or nose. [1655 65; < L meatus course, channel, equiv. to mea(re) to go, extend, have a course + tus… … Universalium
meatus — noun (plural meatuses or meatus) Etymology: Late Latin, from Latin, going, passage, from meare to go more at permeate Date: 1580 a natural body passage … New Collegiate Dictionary
Meatus — Mea̱|tus [aus lat. meatus = Gang, Weg] m; , [...á̱tu̱ß]: Verbindungsgang, Ausführungsgang, Körperkanal (Anat.). Mea̱|tus acụsticus ex|tẹrnus: “äußerer Gehörgang“, kurzer, knöcherner Gang des Schläfenbeins, der vom Trommelfell zur Ohrmuschel… … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Meatus — Me|a|tus der; , [...tu:s] <aus lat. meatus »Gang, Weg«> Verbindungsgang, Ausführungsgang, Körperkanal (Med.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch