- martinite
- мартинит (1. минерал: CasH2[P04]4-•0,5Н2О; (Na,[],Ca)12Ca4(Si,S,B)14B2O38(OH,Cl)2F2.4H2O 2. лейцитовая ортоклаз-лабрадоровая эффузивная порода)
* * *мартинит
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
martinite — Min. (ˈmɑːtɪnaɪt) [Named by J. H. Kloos 1887–9 after Prof. K. Martin, who collected it.] Hydrous phosphate of calcium found at Curaccedao (Chester Dict. Min. 1896) … Useful english dictionary
2004 Liberal Party of Canada infighting — The period between Paul Martin s assumption of the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada on November 14, 2003, and the 2004 federal election being called on May 23, 2004, saw a considerable amount of infighting within the party. The divisions … Wikipedia