marker interface

marker interface
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "marker interface" в других словарях:

  • Marker interface pattern — The marker interface pattern is a design pattern in computer science, used with languages that provide run time type information about objects. It provides a means to associate metadata with a class where the language does not have explicit… …   Wikipedia

  • Interface (computing) — For other uses, see Interface. In the field of computer science, an interface is a tool and concept that refers to a point of interaction between components, and is applicable at the level of both hardware and software. This allows a component,… …   Wikipedia

  • Interface (Java) — An interface in the Java programming language is an abstract type that is used to specify an interface (in the generic sense of the term) that classes must implement. Interfaces are declared using the interface keyword, and may only contain… …   Wikipedia

  • Design marker — In software engineering, a design marker is a technique of documenting design choices in source code using the Marker Interface pattern. Marker interfaces have traditionally been limited to those interfaces intended for explicit, runtime… …   Wikipedia

  • Constant interface — In the Java programming language, the constant interface pattern describes the use of an interface solely to define constants, and having classes implement that interface in order to achieve convenient syntactic access to those constants. However …   Wikipedia

  • Шаблон проектирования — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Паттерн. В разработке программного обеспечения, шаблон проектирования или паттерн (англ. design pattern) повторимая архитектурная конструкция, представляющая собой решение проблемы… …   Википедия

  • Sprachelemente von C-Sharp — Dieser Artikel bietet eine Übersicht einiger Sprachelemente von C#. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Bedingte Ausführung (if, else, switch) 2 Schleifen (for, do, while, foreach) 3 Die Sprunganweisungen break, c …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Syntax von C-Sharp — Dieser Artikel bietet eine Übersicht einiger Sprachelemente von C#. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Bedingte Ausführung (if, else, switch) 2 Schleifen (for, do, while, foreach) 3 Die Sprungbefehle break, continue, goto und return 4 Die using Anweisung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Java syntax — The syntax of the Java programming language is a set of rules that defines how a Java program is written and interpreted. Data structuresAlthough the language has special syntax for them, arrays and strings are not primitive types: they are… …   Wikipedia

  • Markierungsschnittstelle — Eine Markierungsschnittstelle (englisch Marker Interface oder Tag Interface[1]) ist ein Entwurfsmuster, das dem Programm zur Laufzeit Informationen über ein Objekt liefert. Dies bietet die Möglichkeit einer Klasse Metadaten hinzuzufügen, obwohl… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mixin — This article is about the programming concept. For the ice cream, see Mix in. In object oriented programming languages, a mixin is a class that provides a certain functionality to be inherited or just reused by a subclass, while not meant for… …   Wikipedia

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