- lumps
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
lumps — ⇒LUMPS, subst. masc. plur. SUCR. Pains de sucre de qualité inférieure. Le plus souvent on les réunit pour faire des sucres en pains de qualité inférieure (lumps, bâtardes) (WURTZ, Dict. chim., t. 3, 1878, p. 65). Les troisièmes sirops constituent … Encyclopédie Universelle
Lumps — * Lumps und Lex. (Breslau.) Unter Lumps und Lex sitze ich nicht, menge ich mich nicht; mit Lumps und Lex gehe ich nicht um. Da ist nichts als Lumps und Lex zusammen … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
lumps — n. (colloq.) punishment to take one s lumps * * * (colloq.) [ punishment ] to take one s lumps … Combinatory dictionary
lumps — lÊŒmp n. solid shapeless mass of matter; swelling, bump; (Medicine) abnormal mass in a person s body (such as in the breast, etc.); collection, aggregation; stupid person (Slang) v. mass together, gather; form into a lump or lumps; move heavily,… … English contemporary dictionary
LUMPS — liver unit management protocol system … Medical dictionary
lumps — (lonps ) s. m. Pain de sucre de qualité inférieure. ÉTYMOLOGIE C est le pluriel de l anglais lump, morceau, sucre en morceaux informes, par opposition à celui qui a été mis en pain … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
lumps — 1) slump 2) plums … Anagrams dictionary
LUMPS — • liver unit management protocol system … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
LUMPS — … Useful english dictionary
take your lumps — (or take a lot of lumps) US informal : to be badly beaten or hurt He took a lot of lumps as a kid growing up in the city. usually used figuratively Their first album took its lumps from the critics. [=it was harshly criticized] The team has taken … Useful english dictionary
Two Lumps — Infobox webcomic| title = Two Lumps caption = A sample strip from Two Lumps author = James L. Grant and Mel Hynes url = http://www.twolumps.net status = Updating every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday began = March 16 2004. ended = genre = Comedy… … Wikipedia