- low water slack
отсутствие приливного течения при малой воде
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Slack water — Slack water, or slack tide, is the period during which no appreciable tidal current flows in a body of water. Slack water usually happens near high tide and low tide, and occurs when the direction of the tidal current reverses.… … Wikipedia
slack tide — noun the occurrence of relatively still water at the turn of the (low) tide • Syn: ↑slack water • Hypernyms: ↑tide * * * noun see slack water 1 * * * slack tide, = slack water. (Cf. ↑ … Useful english dictionary
slack water — noun 1. a stretch of water without current or movement suddenly they were in a slack and the water was motionless • Syn: ↑slack • Derivationally related forms: ↑slack (for: ↑slack) • Hypernyms … Useful english dictionary
slack — 1. adj., n., v., & adv. adj. 1 (of rope etc.) not taut. 2 inactive or sluggish. 3 negligent or remiss. 4 (of tide etc.) neither ebbing nor flowing. 5 (of trade or business or a market) with little happening. 6 loose. 7 Phonet. lax. 8 relaxed,… … Useful english dictionary
slack — I. /slæk / (say slak) adjective 1. not tense or taut; loose: slack rope. 2. indolent; negligent; remiss. 3. slow; sluggish. 4. lacking in activity; dull; not brisk: slack times for business. 5. sluggish, as the water, tide, or wind. 6. Colloquial …
slack — I Australian Slang 1. unkind, cruel, unfair: Don t be slack, he can t help being tall ; 2. lazy: Why don t you ever visit, you slack bastard? II Mawdesley Glossary 1. a hollow or depression on farm land sometimes holding water. 2. coal dust. III… … English dialects glossary
slack water — 1) the period at high or low tide when there is no visible flow of water 2) an area in a sea or river unaffected by currents; still water … Dictionary of ichthyology
slack water — still water; water between high and low tide … English contemporary dictionary
slack tide — the period at high or low tide when there is no visible flow of water … Dictionary of ichthyology
slack water — noun the state of the tide when it is turning, especially at low tide … English new terms dictionary
Lock (water transport) — Canal lock and lock keeper s cottage on the Aylesbury Arm of the Grand Union Canal at Marsworth in Hertfordshire, England … Wikipedia