Cup-and-ball — Balero redirects here. It is not to be confused with Bolero. Cup and ball AKA ball in a cup or balero Typical cup and ball Players 1 Age range 3+ … Wikipedia
Cock and ball torture — Unter Cock and Ball Torture (engl. für Penis und Hodenfolter) oder abgekürzt CBT versteht man die sexuelle Stimulation durch lustvoll schmerzliche Folter von Penis und Hodensack. Es handelt sich nicht um eine Folter im ethischen Sinn, sondern um… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Low Prussian dialect — Low Prussian (German: Niederpreußisch), sometimes known simply as Prussian (Preußisch), is a dialect of East Low German that developed in East Prussia. Low Prussian was spoken in East and West Prussia and Danzig up to 1945. It developed on a… … Wikipedia
Low Prussian — ( de. Niederpreußisch), sometimes known simply as Prussian ( Preußisch ), is a dialect of East Low German that developed in East Prussia. Low Prussian was spoken in East and West Prussia and Danzig up to 1945. It developed on a Baltic substrate… … Wikipedia
Ball bearing — For individual balls that are sometimes called ball bearings , see Ball (bearing). Working principle for a ball bearing … Wikipedia
low — low1 lowish, adj. lowness, n. /loh/, adj., lower, lowest, adv., lower, lowest, n. adj. 1. situated, placed, or occurring not far above the ground, floor, or base: a low shelf … Universalium
low — I [[t]loʊ[/t]] adj. and adv. er, est, n. 1) situated, placed, or occurring not far above the ground, floor, or base: a low shelf[/ex] 2) of small extent upward: a low fence[/ex] 3) not far above the horizon: The moon was low in the sky[/ex] 4)… … From formal English to slang
low-ball — or low·ball (lōʹbôl ) tr.v. Slang low ·balled, low ·bal·ling, low ·balls To underestimate or understate (a cost) deliberately: “He often took illegal cash payments from developers in return for... low balling the cost of construction and… … Universalium
ball bearing — ball bearing, adj. Mach. 1. a bearing consisting of a number of hard balls running in grooves in the surfaces of two concentric rings, one of which is mounted on a rotating or oscillating shaft or the like. 2. any of the balls so used. [1880 85]… … Universalium
Ball grid array — For other uses, see BGA (disambiguation). Intel Embedded Pentium MMX (bottom view) A ball grid array (BGA) is a type of surface mount packaging used for integrated circuits. Contents … Wikipedia
Low-Ball — The Low ball works by first gaining commitment to the idea or item at lower costs which you are confident that the other person will accept, then using the fact that people will behave consistently with their beliefs to sustain the commitment… … Wikipedia