loose end

loose end
подрубленная часть забоя

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "loose end" в других словарях:

  • loose end — loose ends 1) N COUNT A loose end is part of a story, situation, or crime that has not yet been explained. There are some annoying loose ends in the plot. 2) PHRASE: v link PHR If you are at a loose end, you are bored because you do not have… …   English dictionary

  • loose end — ► NOUN ▪ a detail that is not yet settled or explained. ● be at a loose end (or N. Amer. at loose ends) Cf. ↑be at loose ends …   English terms dictionary

  • loose end — noun count usually plural the final details or parts of something that you have not yet completed or dealt with: tie up the loose ends (=complete them): There are just one or two loose ends of the case to tie up. be at loose ends to have nothing… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • loose end — A loose end is an unresolved problem or unifinished business …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • loose end — loose′ end′ n. Usu., loose ends. an unsettled or unfinished detail • at loose ends Etymology: 1540–50 …   From formal English to slang

  • loose end — UK / US noun [countable, usually plural] Word forms loose end : singular loose end plural loose ends the final details or parts of something that you have not yet completed or dealt with tie up the loose ends (= complete them): There are just one …   English dictionary

  • loose end — 1. a part or piece left hanging, unattached, or unused: Remind me to tack down that loose end on the stairway carpet. 2. an unsettled detail, as of a business matter: The arrangements have been made, except for a few loose ends. 3. at loose ends …   Universalium

  • loose end — /lus ˈɛnd/ (say loohs end) noun 1. something left unsettled or incomplete. –phrase 2. at a loose end, without a specific task to do or pastime to follow. 3. at loose ends, a. (as of a person) restless and unsettled. b. confused; disordered. {from …  

  • loose end —    A person who is at a loose end has some spare time, and feels quite bored by having nothing in particular to do.     When the meeting was cancelled at the last minute, Julie unexpectedly found herself at a loose end …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • loose end — (BE) at a loose end (see loose ends) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • loose end — noun a detail that is not yet settled or explained. Phrases be at a loose end (or N. Amer. at loose ends) have nothing specific to do …   English new terms dictionary

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