
1. пал. петля 2. петлевидный бар 3. петлевидная [крючкообразная] морена 4. геофиз. замкнутый контур, петля
active structure loop активная структурная петля
attachment loop Brack, петля прикрепления
base loop профиль вокруг определённого избранного участка (при аэромагнитной съёмке)
morainic loop петлевидная [крючкообразная] морена
structure loop структурная петля
tectonic loop тектоническая петля
* * *
геофиз. геофиз

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "loop" в других словарях:

  • Loop — (engl.: ‚Schleife‘ oder ‚Schlaufe‘) bezeichnet eine Universal Chess Interface Schachengine, siehe Loop (Schach). bei Druckwasserreaktoren einen Rohrleitungsstrang der Hauptkühlmittelleitung. in der Funktechnik eine Antennenbauweise, bei der die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • loop — loop1 [lo͞op] n. [ME loup < Anglo N forms corresponding to ON hlaup, a leap, hlaupa, to run (akin to LEAP) > Dan løbe(knude), lit., running (knot)] 1. a) the more or less circular figure formed by a line, thread, wire, etc. that curves back …   English World dictionary

  • loop — ► NOUN 1) a shape produced by a curve that bends round and crosses itself. 2) (also loop the loop) a manoeuvre in which an aircraft describes a vertical circle in the air. 3) an endless strip of tape or film allowing continuous repetition. 4) a… …   English terms dictionary

  • loop — [luːp] noun [countable] 1. in the loop informal if a person is in the loop, he or she is one of the group of people who receive information about important subjects or who are involved in making important decisions 2. COMPUTING a set of commands… …   Financial and business terms

  • Loop — Loop, n. [Cf. Ir. & Gael. lub loop, noose, fold, thong, bend, lub to bend, incline.] 1. A fold or doubling of a thread, cord, rope, etc., through which another thread, cord, etc., can be passed, or which a hook can be hooked into; an eye, as of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Loop — 〈[ lu:p] m. 6〉 1. 〈Popmus.〉 elektronisch erzeugte Schlaufe, die einen Teil eines Musikstückes ständig od. endlos wiederholt, Soundschleife 2. 〈EDV〉 Teil eines in sich geschlossenen u. mehrfach zu durchlaufenden Programms, Programmschleife 3.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Loop — (l[=oo]p), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Looped} (l[=oo]pt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Looping}.] To make a loop of or in; to fasten with a loop or loops; often with up; as, to loop a string; to loop up a curtain. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • loop — loop; loop·er; loop·ful; sa·loop; strand·loop·er; loop·hole; …   English syllables

  • loop|y — «LOO pee», adjective, loop|i|er, loop|i|est. 1. full of loops. 2. Scottish. crafty; deceitful …   Useful english dictionary

  • Loop — (l[=oo]p), n. [G. luppe an iron lump. Cf. {Looping}.] (Iron Works) A mass of iron in a pasty condition gathered into a ball for the tilt hammer or rolls. [Written also {loup}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Loop — Loop, the the central business area of Chicago. The name comes from an ↑elevated railway that forms a large circle or ↑loop around the area …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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