- arsenate
мышьяковое соединение
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Arsenate — Ar se*nate, n. (Chem.) A salt of arsenic acid. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arsenate — Arsenate, s. Arseniate … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
arsenate — [är′sə nāt΄, är′sənit΄] n. 1. a salt of arsenic acid containing the trivalent, negative radical AsO4 2. an uncharged ester of arsenic acid … English World dictionary
Arsenate — Chembox new ImageFile=Arsenate.png ImageSize= IUPACName=arsorate OtherNames= Section1= Chembox Identifiers CASNo= PubChem=27401 SMILES= [O ] [As] (=O)( [O ] ) [O ] Section2= Chembox Properties Formula=AsO43 MolarMass=138.919 Appearance= Density=… … Wikipedia
Arsenate — Struktur des Arsenat Ions Als Arsenate werden die Salze der Arsensäure bezeichnet. Hauptbestandteil der Arsenate ist das Arsenat Ion [AsO4]3−. Dieses ist ähnlich dem Phosphat Ion tetraedrisch mit einem Arsen Sauerstoff Abstand von 174 pm… … Deutsch Wikipedia
arsenate — noun a salt or ester of arsenic acid • Hypernyms: ↑salt * * * arsenate, etted, iate etc.: see arsen … Useful english dictionary
arsenate of lead — arsenate of lead, = lead arsenate. (Cf. ↑lead arsenate) … Useful english dictionary
Arsenate mineral — Arsenate minerals are those minerals containing the arsenate (AsO43 ) anion group. Both the Dana [http://webmineral.com/danaclass.shtml] and the Strunz [http://webmineral.com/strunz.shtml] mineral classifications place the arsenates in with the… … Wikipedia
arsenate mineral — any of a group of naturally occurring compounds of arsenic, oxygen, and various metals, most of which are rare, having crystallized under very restricted conditions. At the mineralogically famous Långban iron and manganese mines in central… … Universalium
Arsenate reductase (donor) — In enzymology, an arsenate reductase (donor) (EC number| is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction:arsenite + acceptor ightleftharpoons arsenate + reduced acceptorThus, the two substrates of this enzyme are arsenite and acceptor … Wikipedia
Arsenate reductase (glutaredoxin) — In enzymology, an arsenate reductase (glutaredoxin) (EC number| is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction:arsenate + glutaredoxin ightleftharpoons arsenite + glutaredoxin disulfide + H2OThus, the two substrates of this enzyme are … Wikipedia