long wire

long wire
длинный кабель

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "long wire" в других словарях:

  • long wire antenna — ilgoji vielinė antena statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. long wire antenna vok. Langdrahtantenne, f rus. длинная проволочная антенна, f pranc. antenne filaire longue, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • wire — wirable, adj. wirelike, adj. /wuyeur/, n., adj., v., wired, wiring. n. 1. a slender, stringlike piece or filament of relatively rigid or flexible metal, usually circular in section, manufactured in a great variety of diameters and metals… …   Universalium

  • wire — /ˈwaɪə / (say wuyuh) noun 1. a piece of slender, flexible metal, ranging from a thickness that can be bent by the hand only with some difficulty down to a fine thread, and usually circular in section. 2. such pieces as a material. 3. a length of… …  

  • wire — [waɪə ǁ waɪr] verb [transitive] 1. to send money electronically from one bank to another: • Prosecutors said Burks moved $45,000 to his girlfriend and wired $13,300 to a bank account in Florida. 2. also wire something up to connect something to a …   Financial and business terms

  • Wire transfer — or credit transfer is a method of electronic funds transfer from one person or institution (entity) to another. A wire transfer can be made from one bank account to another bank account or through a transfer of cash at a cash office. Wire… …   Wikipedia

  • Wire gauge — is a measurement of how large a wire is, either in diameter or cross sectional area. This determines the amount of electric current a wire can safely carry, as well as its electrical resistance and weight per unit of length. Wire gauge is… …   Wikipedia

  • Wire drawing — is a manufacturing process used to reduce or change the diameter of a wire or rod by pulling the wire or rod through a single or series of drawing die(s). There are many applications for wire drawing, including electrical wiring, cables, tension… …   Wikipedia

  • wire — [wīr] n. [ME < OE wir, akin to LowG wīr < IE * weir < base * wei , to bend, turn > WITHE, Gr iris, rainbow, L vitis, vine] 1. metal that has been drawn into a very long, thin thread or rod, usually circular in cross section 2. a… …   English World dictionary

  • Wire Service — Also known as Deadline for Action Genre Drama Written by Al C. Ward Frederick Brady Directed by Lance Comfort Tom Gries …   Wikipedia

  • wire-fu — (wire foo) n. A cinematic technique in which actors perform kung fu moves while attached to wires and pulleys that make them appear to fly, run up walls, and so on. Example Citation: Cinematographer Peter Pau and fight choreographer Yuen Woo Ping …   New words

  • Long-term potentiation — (LTP) is a persistent increase in synaptic strength following high frequency stimulation of a chemical synapse. Studies of LTP are often carried out in slices of the hippocampus, an important organ for learning and memory. In such studies,… …   Wikipedia

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