long cable

long cable
длинный кабель

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "long cable" в других словарях:

  • Long Island Sound link — The Long Island Sound link is a proposed bridge or tunnel that would link Long Island to the south with New York or Connecticut to the north across Long Island Sound. The most recent proposal involves a tunnel between Rye, New York on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Long-distance anchor pylon — A long distance anchor pylon is an anchor pylon at the end of a line section with a span width longer than the others used in the line. At long distance anchor pylons there are larger distances between the conductor cables as at other sections in …   Wikipedia

  • câble — [ kabl ] n. m. • fin XIIe chable, cable; bas lat. capulum ; écrit câble par infl. de l a. fr. chaable « catapulte » I ♦ 1 ♦ Faisceau de fils (textiles, métalliques, etc.) tressés. ⇒ corde. Torons formant un câble. Câble de levage. Câble pour… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • câblé — câble [ kabl ] n. m. • fin XIIe chable, cable; bas lat. capulum ; écrit câble par infl. de l a. fr. chaable « catapulte » I ♦ 1 ♦ Faisceau de fils (textiles, métalliques, etc.) tressés. ⇒ corde. Torons formant un câble. Câble de levage. Câble… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Câble-mât — Larix 3T (2008). Un câble mât est une machine utilisé pour le débardage par câble. Les câble mâts sont mobiles, plus faciles à tirer et à utiliser quand il existe des dessertes (500 à 800 m), faciles à installer, les types équipés d’une radio… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Long Island Sound — is an estuary of the Atlantic Ocean and various rivers in the United States that lies between the coast of Connecticut to the north and Long Island, New York to the south. The mouth of the Connecticut River at Old Saybrook, Connecticut empties… …   Wikipedia

  • Cable Street — (pronEng|ˈkeɪbəl striːt) is a mile long road in the East End of London, with several historic landmarks nearby, made famous by the Battle of Cable Street of 1936.LocationCable Street runs between the edge of The City and Limehouse: parallel to,… …   Wikipedia

  • Cable television in the Republic of Ireland — is the most common system for distributing multi channel television in the state. With a 40+ year history and extensive networks of both wired and wireless cable, the Republic of Ireland is amongst the most cabled countries in Europe.HistoryCable …   Wikipedia

  • Cable railings — or wire rope railings are safety rails that use horizontal or vertical cables in place of spindles, glass, mesh etc for infill. UsesThis type of railing is favored in areas where view of the landscape or ocean would be impaired by other types of… …   Wikipedia

  • Cable management — refers to an important step during the installation of building services (ie electrical services) and the subsequent installation of equipment providing means to tidily secure electrical, data, and other cables. The term is often used… …   Wikipedia

  • Cable barrier — Cable barrier, sometimes referred to as guard cable, is a type of roadside or median barrier. It consists of steel wire ropes mounted on weak posts. As is the case with any roadside barrier, its primary purpose is to prevent a vehicle from… …   Wikipedia

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