- local development
• местное развитие• местные разработки
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Local Development Documents — are a set of documents specified in United Kingdom planning law which a Local Planning Authority creates to describe their strategy for development and use of land in their area of authority.Established as part of the Planning and Compulsory… … Wikipedia
Local Development Scheme — Local Development Schemes are public project plans which identify which Local Development Documents will be produced, in what order and when.The Local Development Scheme acts as the starting point for the community and stakeholders to find out… … Wikipedia
local development framework — (LDF) A non statutory term used to describe the portfolio of documents which includes all the local planning authority s local development and related documents. The LDF will also comprise the Statement of Community Involvement, the local… … Law dictionary
Local Development Framework — (LDF) A non statutory term used to describe the portfolio of documents which includes all the local planning authority s local development and related documents. The LDF will also comprise the Statement of Community Involvement, the local… … Law dictionary
local development order — (LDO) An order made by a local planning authority extending permitted development rights for certain forms of development, with reference to the relevant local development documents. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international… … Law dictionary
Local Development Orders — were introduced with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and allow Local Authorities to extend Permitted Development rights for certain forms of development with regard to a relevant Local Development Document … Wikipedia
local development scheme — (LDS) The local planning authority s programme for the preparation of local development documents that must be agreed with government and reviewed each year. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms.… … Law dictionary
Local Development Document — (LDD) The collective term for development plan documents, (which form part of the development plan), and supplementary planning documents (which do not form part of the … Law dictionary
local development document — (LDD) The collective term for development plan documents, (which form part of the development plan), and supplementary planning documents (which do not form part of the development plan) and the … Law dictionary
Local Development Frameworks — A Local Development Framework is the spatial planning strategy introduced in England and Wales by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and given detail in Planning Policy Statements 12. In most parts of the two countries, maintaining the … Wikipedia
local development strategy — vietos plėtros strategija statusas Aprobuotas sritis parama žemės ūkiui apibrėžtis Dokumentas, kuriame pateikta vietos veiklos grupės teritorijos socialinės ekonominės situacijos ir gyventojų poreikių analizė, vietos veiklos grupės misija, kaimo… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)