- load structure
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
load structure — krūvio struktūra statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Pagrindinių sudedamųjų krūvio dalių (pratimų pobūdžio ir trukmės), jų intensyvumo, poilsio pobūdžio ir trukmės, pratimų skaičiaus) derinimo tvarka ir taikymo ypatumai.… … Sporto terminų žodynas
load structure model — krūvio struktūros modelis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Pagrindinių sudedamųjų fizinio krūvio dalių – aktyvios veiklos ir poilsio trukmės – rodikliai, išreiškiami laiko vienetais (sek.): pirmasis skaičius reiškia aktyvaus… … Sporto terminų žodynas
Load balancing (computing) — Load balancing is a computer networking methodology to distribute workload across multiple computers or a computer cluster, network links, central processing units, disk drives, or other resources, to achieve optimal resource utilization,… … Wikipedia
Load — may refer to:*Structural load, forces which are applied to a structure *Cargo, Freight, or Lading *The load of a mutual fund (see Mutual fund fees and expenses) *The load of an insurance contract, defined as the percent increase of the expected… … Wikipedia
load — [lōd] n. [ME lode < OE lad, a course, way, journey < Gmc * laidō, way < IE base * leit(h) , to go, leave > LEAD1, ON litha, Goth galeithan, to go: sense infl. by ME laden, LADE] 1. something carried or to be carried at one time or in… … English World dictionary
Load factor — may refer to:* Capacity factor, the ratio of the actual output of a power plant over a period of time and its output if it had operated a full capacity of that time period * Load factor (aerodynamics), n, is the vector expressed by the ratio of… … Wikipedia
load-bearing — adj. (Arch.) Supporting a load[10] from parts of a structure above; as, a load bearing wall. [prenominal] Syn: supporting(prenominal). [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Load-bearing wall — A load bearing wall (or bearing wall) is a wall that bears a load resting upon it by conducting its weight to a foundation structure. The materials most often used to construct load bearing walls in large buildings are concrete, block, or brick.… … Wikipedia
load — loadless, adj. /lohd/, n. 1. anything put in or on something for conveyance or transportation; freight; cargo: The truck carried a load of watermelons. 2. the quantity that can be or usually is carried at one time, as in a cart. 3. this quantity… … Universalium
load — [[t]loʊd[/t]] n. 1) anything put in or on something for conveyance or transportation; freight; cargo: a truck with a load of watermelons[/ex] 2) the quantity that can be or usu. is carried at one time, as in a cart 3) this quantity taken as a… … From formal English to slang
load — 1 noun (C) 1 AMOUNT OF STH a large quantity of something that is carried by a vehicle, person etc: Take this load of wood over to the barn. see also: shed its load shed 2 (8) 2 a load/loads (of sth) informal especially BrE a lot of something: We… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English