- load of stream
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Stream load — is a geologic term referring to the solid matter carried by a stream (Strahler and Strahler, 2006). Erosion continually removes mineral material from the bed and banks of the stream channel, adding this material to the regular flow of water. The… … Wikipedia
Stream terrace — Stream terraces are relict features, such as floodplains, from periods when a stream was flowing at a higher elevation and has downcut to a lower elevation. Stream terraces often appear as plateaus on existing valley walls and indicate earlier… … Wikipedia
Load following power plant — A load following power plant is a power plant that adjusts its power output as demand for electricity fluctuates throughout the day. Load following plants are in between base load and peaking power plants in efficiency, speed of startup and… … Wikipedia
load — loadless, adj. /lohd/, n. 1. anything put in or on something for conveyance or transportation; freight; cargo: The truck carried a load of watermelons. 2. the quantity that can be or usually is carried at one time, as in a cart. 3. this quantity… … Universalium
Stream capacity — The capacity of a stream or river is the total amount of sediment a stream is able to transport. This measurement usually corresponds to the stream gradient or a section along a stream profile. The ways in which sediments are transported by… … Wikipedia
Extract, transform, load — Extract, transform and load (ETL) is a process in database usage and especially in data warehousing that involves: Extracting data from outside sources Transforming it to fit operational needs (which can include quality levels) Loading it into… … Wikipedia
Dissolved load — is the term for material, especially ions from chemical weathering, that are carried in solution by a stream. The dissolved load contributes to the total amount of material removed from a catchment. The amount of material carried as dissolved… … Wikipedia
Suspended load — Suspended Loadhweuwqrfor the fine particles that are light enough to be carried in a stream without touching the stream bed. These particles are generally of the fine sand, silt and clay size, although they can be larger, especially in cases of… … Wikipedia
Lifecasting (video stream) — Lifecasting is a continual broadcast of events in a person s life through digital media. Typically, lifecasting is transmitted through the medium of the Internet and can involve wearable technology. [… … Wikipedia
braided stream — A channel or stream with multiple channels that interweave as a result of repeated bifurcation and convergence of flow around inter channel bars, resembling (in plan view) the strands of a complex braid. Braiding is generally confined to broad … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
braided stream — /breɪdəd ˈstrim/ (say brayduhd streem) noun a stream, usually shallow, with a water flow insufficient to carry along all the silt, etc., in it, resulting in interconnecting channels and intervening shingle bars as this load is precipitated …