- loach
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
LOACH (K.) — LOACH KEN (1936 ) Ken Loach est à la fois exemplaire de la situation que connaît le cinéma britannique depuis le milieu des années 1960 et un cas particulier. Dans un cinéma qu’on qualifie volontiers de «colonisé», il maintient une tradition… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Loach — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Keith Loach (* 1975), kanadischer Skeletonpilot Ken Loach (* 1936), britischer Filmregisseur und Drehbuchautor Lonnie Loach (* 1968), kanadischer Eishockeyspieler und trainer Mike Loach (* 1976),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Loach — may refer to:* Loaches, fish families in the Cypriniformes: ** Cobitidae, the true loaches ndash; formerly all loaches were united in this family ** Balitoridae, the hillstream loaches ndash; the largest family, closely related to Cobitidae **… … Wikipedia
Loach — (l[=o]ch), n. [OE. loche, F. loche.] (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of several small, fresh water, cyprinoid fishes of the genera {Cobitis}, {Nemachilus}, and allied genera, having six or more barbules around the mouth. They are found in Europe and Asia. The … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Loach — [ləʊtʃ], Ken[neth], britischer Filmregisseur, * Nuneaton 17. 6. 1936; wurde durch Fernseharbeiten bekannt, ab 1967 durch sozialkritisch stark engagierte Spielfilme. Filme: Poor Cow. .. (1967); Kes (1969); Family life (1971); Black Jack. ..… … Universal-Lexikon
loach — (n.) small edible European fish, mid 14c., from O.Fr. loche (13c.), also, in dialect, slug, of unknown origin (see discussion in Gamillscheg) … Etymology dictionary
loach — ► NOUN ▪ a small, elongated freshwater fish with several barbels near the mouth. ORIGIN Old French loche … English terms dictionary
loach — [lōch] n. [ME loche < OFr] any of a family (Cobitidae, order Cypriniformes) of small, bottom dwelling, freshwater, bony fishes with barbels around the mouth … English World dictionary
Loach — Ken Loach Ken Loach Ken Loach Nom de naissance Kenneth Loach Naissance 17 juin 1936 … Wikipédia en Français
loach — /lohch/, n. any of several slender European and Asian fishes of the family Cobitidae and related families, having several barbels around the mouth. [1325 75; ME loche < MF] * * * ▪ fish any of the small, generally elongated freshwater fishes of… … Universalium
Loach — This very unusual and interesting surname, is generally accepted as being English and specifically from the Midlands. It is certainly a midlands surname, but its origins are in fact French! It derives from loche , and old French word which… … Surnames reference